How to Give Yourself a Facial

All of us deserve a little pampering every now and again. It’s ok to treat yourself well and frequently. Part of our skin rejuvenation process is taking care of our minds and bodies. The best in skin care should be your priority. Taking good care of our skin gives off a youthful appearance and fights the signs of aging. There are many steps you can take to nourish your skin and keep it healthy such as these Facial Skin Tightening. You can try these facials raleigh treatment to achieve a soft, healthy, and radiant skin.

Try some face procedures like the ones offered on that can decrease the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, large pores, scars, fine lines, and other skin conditions. You can as well consider a good alternative to a facelift called PDO Threads in Miami, FL for a more natural-looking face and skin. There is also a HydraFacial in Tinley Park, IL if you are interested to give it a try!

You can also have a quick and easy way to give yourself a facial. You may also learn more about skin care when you take a skin care specialist training course.


Things You’ll Need:

  • elastic band or head band
  • face cleanser
  • face exfoliator
  • clay or charcoal mask
  • face moisturizer

Step 1

Make sure you tie your hair back. Hair in the face is a huge underlying cause of skin irritation and breakouts on the face. The products that we use in our hair can trigger skin sensitivity and irritation. By tying your hair back you also expose your face fully and prevent any facial product from getting into the hair. If you would like to get rid of hair from a specific part of your body then you should consult with laser hair removal services to see how they can help you.

Step 2

Apply the facial cleanser of your choice. The amount should be about the size of a dime. Rub the product between your fingertips until it starts to lather. Then apply the product to the face in an up and outward sweeping motion. This way of applying the product is important because skins cells actually grow in a downward direction. Rubbing against the direction of growth ensures the cleansing agent reaches inside the pores. Rinse the face with warm water after 3 minutes.

Step 3

Exfoliate. Choose an exfoliating product that has things to help slough off dead skin cell. Use the same up and outward sweeping motion mentioned before. Getting rid if dead skin cells gives your skin a healthy glow. This also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Rinse thoroughly after 3 minutes with lukewarm water.

Step 4

Mask. You’ll need to apply a mask that fits your skin type. Clay and charcoal masks have a reputation of pulling impurities out of the skin. The after effects is soft and supple skin. There are a couple of ways to apply your mask. You can apply the mask over the entire surface of the face. The second option is applying the mask only to the t-zone of the face. The t-zone is the forehead, nose and chin. It forms the letter “T” shape. If your skin is oily in the t-zone section but the surrounding area is dry then a t-zone application is the best option. Don’t forget to exfoliate your neck as well. After application allow the mask to dry. As the mask dries the pores on your face will begin to feel like they are tightening. Rinse the mask off with lukewarm water. Remove with clean cotton washcloth if needed.

Step 5

Moisturize. Apply a moisturizers that contains a sunscreen. The sun has damaging rays when your skin is over exposed. The sunburn effects are damaging to skin cell conditions and give the appearance of dead, dull skin. If you have other products like eye firming cream or wrinkle creams apply them as well.

For any skin-related concerns like facial treatments and skin issues, you can visit Danne Montague King to learn more.