If any of your pet has heavy breaths and some bleeding problems, it may be possible that it is infected by a heartworm. It’s a disease caused by the bite of a special kind of mosquito. It’s a very dangerous disease as it appears when the disease is at its last stages. To keep your dog safe from this disease, follow the steps given below:
- Certain tests can give an idea about the severity of the infection. These tests include blood test and x-rays of your dog. These tests will tell you if the infection can be cured or not at this stage.
- Immiticied is the cure of heartworm disease. It’s a special type of arsenic that is used to destroy the heartworm bacteria. Consult a veteran that can give your dog injections at the right place so that it can get rid of this disease completely without side effects.
- Let your dog have some rest. You should not allow him to play in this bad health. Give it the required medicines at proper time and let it have good rest.
- Ivermectin can also be given to the dog. Its strength is not much as compared to Immiticied but it can also kill the heartworms effectively. Ask your veteran to advise about the right medicine.
- One side effect of this treatment is that your dog may suffer with caval syndrome. In this syndrome, the dog’s heart and lungs collapse and it starts to breath very heavily. Its urine turned to a dark color. If you see all these signs consult your veteran immediately.
- If your dog is heavily affected by heartworms you should go for its surgical treatment. This can be a great risk to its life but it’s the last hope too. The surgeon will remove the heartworm bacteria from the body of the dog and it will get healthy again.
- After surgery allow your dog to have complete rest. If possible leave it the doctor’s place so that he can check if everything is ok or not.
- When your dog gets a little well, start taking care of its diet. You should note each and every of its activities so that you can judge if the operation went well or not.
Once your dog has recovered from this disease take special care of it or else it can get the same disease again. Remember to choose the qualified and professional veterans for your pets. Also give them medicine punctually. The health of your pets depends on you.