How to Get Paint Off of a Car

Suppose you wake up a fine morning and find splotches of some paint on the window on your ‘dream car’, how will you feel? You will feel killing that hooligan who did this to your beloved car. It would be a nightmare for you for sure. Moreover, when you will come to find about the ruffian that it was some kid in the neighborhood, you will feel killing yourself!! However, this does happen a lot on the street and paint can even get passed on from car to car in an accident, if you unfortunately get into an accident that was not your fault, then you might b liable to fight for a few claims with the help of a car accident lawyer.

And it actually happens with a lot of people and if you are also a victim of some mischief like this or even if you have accidentally thrown some paint yourself on your car’s window while painting you garage, etc. then don’t worry.  Just cool yourself down. The process to clean that paint off from your car’s window is very easy. However, it feels intimidating but if you follow the guidelines properly you will never find any difficulty in carrying out that procedure. Following are some of the ways to clean the paint off your car’s window. You can visit this main corporate site.

A rag and Acetone:

First of all you have to move your car outside your garage where there is proper ventilation. Take with yourself acetone and rag. Then apply some acetone onto the rag, wet it without breathing the acetone in; use a mask if needed. Wipe the whole window with acetone consistently and you will see the paint dissolve with the acetone in no time. Use this technique if the paint is over sprayed or spread over a limited area of your car’s window.

Bucket containing warm water and soapy detergent:

A detergent like a car-washing solution from Duel Autocare can be used to remove paint from a car’s window.  Dish soap can also be used. Soak a rag in the bucket in which you have mixed the detergent and water and scrub off the paint you want to clean off your car’s window.

Call your insurance agent (we recommend for our car insurance) and the body shop: Many a times it happens that you are not confident that a certain procedure is going to work or not. You may also think that what if a certain procedure culminates in scratches on the car’s window. So, if you get nervous, call an auto paint correction professional. He may remove the paint by using abovementioned methods or he may advise to get your car partially or entirely repainted or they may advice you to have car window tinting.

All the steps mentioned above are easier and cheaper methods for removing paint off a car’s window except the last step which is money consuming. The previous steps merely use things that are easily found in your home. However, the last step is practical one if you can’t do it yourself due to time shortage.

Further Readings: