How to Follow the Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is a most practiced holidays for the Jewish people. They follow their own religious calendar known as the Jewish calendar. It is a Day of Atonement, this holy day which starts 10 days after their new year, popularly known as Rosh Hashanah. In this holiday the Jews pray for the penance and forgiveness. If you are a new person to know about this faith, the mentioned tips will make you to follow the Yom Kippur in a clear manner.


  • Take leave from your works. You must at least two days leave from all of your regular duties to observe keenly the Yom Kippur. Do you know, Jews have holidays in these days mostly you have works on the day before and on the Yom Kippur day, so don’t engage any works.
  • Fasting is the ultimate way to show the faith to your god. Jews fast from the evening before the Yom Kippur till the evening on the Yom Kippur. During this time they won’t consume water also. This is to show their faith on their god. The pregnant women are not included in this practice.

  • You should go the temple for Kol Nidre. This is a way to welcome Yom Kippur holy day. You should do these things on the sundown time of the day before the Yom Kippur.
  • During the fasting reflect all the wrong you have done in your life time. Jews believe that fating will take off all your bad things which you have done in your life and makes you a new person. And you must let go all the anger in your mind and leave the person who done that for you.
  • Go to the person to whom you done wrong and them for forgiveness. Ask them to forgive for hurting them. This is an important thing to do in this day.
  • Go to some temple on the Yom Kippur ay and on the day before. Try to approach some orphanage and contribute them with meal. This is an ultimate way to lay off your sin. In Yom Kippur day there will be group prayers which will make your mind peaceful, attend them. Avoid all the business on the day. Sacrifice the day for Yom Kippur and carry on the services for the Yom Kippur.

This is an important function for the Jews. This is a day to get forgiveness from the god for all the wrong you have done in your life. Take an oath that you won’t hurt anyone for anything in your rest of life.