How to Fine-tune Your Resume to Focus on the Job You’re Applying For

Your resume could play a very great role in helping you land the job that you want. Rather than relying on luck and connections, focus instead on revising your resume, making it the best representative of you. You can make your resume stand out with the help of the top resume service like this resume writing services in Bethesda! They can make sure your resume shines like a diamond.

Defining the purpose of your resume

Before attempting to revise your resume, you must first find out the demands of the job. Read the ad that advertises the job. Call the company and respectfully inquire about the job, if you think that the ad does not provide the information that you need. From these exercises, you will then know what personal skills and experiences you should highlight in your resume. Remember that your resume must not cram all the information about your life. Rather, it is a tool for a prospective employer to realize that you have the skills needed for a particular job.

Resume Writing


Taylor your resume to meet job requirements


Once you have figured out which to highlight, and which to downplay, do not hesitate to delete irrelevant information. For example, your extra-curricular activities in high school will not be relevant if you are applying for an executive position in a corporation. Be particular about the format, and the fonts used.

A good resume is one that is not difficult to read and not extremely lengthy. Do not go beyond two pages unless so requested by the potential employer, as you can always be called for an interview and be asked for explanation and details regarding what you wrote.

Avoid colored and scented papers. Rather, strive that your resume will look professional. That is, after all, the image you want to convey to your employer.

Update pertinent information

Maybe you have changed you phone number. Maybe you moved to a new house. Take your time to update your contact information. More importantly, check if your email address is still working. Sometimes, job hunters sign up for email accounts just to have email addresses, but they neglect to prune their messages. As a result, emails sent to their addresses bounce back, because their mailboxes are full. This could easily turn off potential employers.


Append a recent picture of you in your resume. A mug shot is definitely a no-no in resumes. Your photo must show a polished, well-dressed and properly-groomed you.

Rewrite your objectives

Objectives encapsulate the reasons why you are applying for the job. Rewrite objectives according to the needs of particular jobs. Do not rehash objectives! Be honest but at the same time, do not beat around the bush. Be direct to point, and write down the reasons why you want to work for and with potential employers. Use action words. Check your grammar.


Check and double-check

Before printing out your resume, do not forget to check and double-check. Check your spelling. Check the spacing of your sentences. Check for inconsistencies in terms of language and grammar.

After you have made the initial check, print a copy of your resume and check again.

Your resume must be easy to read, easy to understand and comprehensive. Think of your resume as a worthy investment, an extension of you.