How to Find DNS Server

Are you trying to navigate your way through some of the terms, language and technical aspects of computers? The world we live in today almost runs completely off of computers. It would be in the better interests of business people, entrepreneurs, students and general computer users alike to become familiar with some of the more basic aspects of computers. This is vital to staying educated about how things work and operate. When you learn the function, you will inadvertently learn how to solve some of these issues in the event that the need should arise. Some people have a hard time understanding certain technical things about computers.

The language and terms may be intimidating for some people who are not formally educated. Learning these things is not entirely as complicated as they may seem. On the contrary, if you can follow simple directions, then you can find your own DNS server, even if you don’t know what a DNS server is. Sometimes a computer may experience some complications and issues that can be beyond the scope of the everyday computer user. There may be driver issues or even DNS issues. DNS is actually an acronym that means date name system. It is what resolves the names on the wed to IP addresses. Date name system is used the most in the context of the internet.

The website names get resolved to IP addressed. For example, when a website address is keyed in (URL),  a DNS server actually communicates with your computer system to instruct it to whatever the IP address for that domain name is. Here is how you can find the data name system server. Read on for more information as to how.


Step 1

Begin at the Start Menu. Then type in the ‘run’ command. When prompted key in ‘cmd’. Then,press the enter key.

Step 2

After the command prompt window opens, key in the words ‘ipconfig /all’. Press the enter key.

Step 3

The command will populate various pieces of information. Find the line in the information results that says DNS Server. Located on the right side, is the IP address for your data name server.

Step 4

Check to see if your data name server is programmed to static. If it is access it via your desktop. Find ‘network places’ and right click select it. Choose ‘properties’.

Step 5

Select (by right clicking) the Network Interface that is active. Choose ‘properties’.

Step 6

Select the Internet Protocol TCP/IP properties by double clicking.

Step 7

The IP address and DNS settings will now be displayed in front of you. The  DNS server has been located.