Part-time jobs can be found everywhere. Many students who want to earn money and experiences are always on the look-out for part-time jobs. Even professionals who are already working still look for a part-time job. Here are some things that will help you in finding your part –time job.
Be prepared
Know the common requirements of most employers- a good resume, pertinent legal documents, and previous job references. Have all the necessary documents beforehand. Figure out as well how many hours can you be able to work per week.
Start your search
Job listings are available online. You can check companies and other establishments which hire part-time workers. Sometimes, they accept online applications. Also, check the advertisements in your local newspaper. Many small employers advertise on papers rather than on the internet.
Not all job openings are posted online or in papers. In this case, it is helpful to use your network. Tell your friends and everyone you know that you are looking for a part time job. There are times when you’ll get to know a job opening because of a friend’s referral. Networking will make your search easier.
Wait in line
After submitting your resume and other documents, you need to wait. It will be helpful if you will have a telephone so that the employers can easily get in touch with you. Be prepared for an on the spot interview or even getting hired immediately.
Keep track
Make a list of the companies you have applied for. Jot down the names of your employers or the names of people you spoke with. Because you are applying for several jobs, it is hard to memorize all names. You can always refer to your notes when you do follow-up calls.
Applying in person is the best way
No matter how many jobs you applied for online, the best way is still applying in person. Since you are going to present yourself, your physical appearance will reflect who you are. Wear appropriate attire. Good grooming is of essence.
Be open for other opportunities
Unless you are already hired for a part-time work, continue your search. You might see a better offer online or in the papers a few weeks after submitting resumes to other companies.
If you are interested in marketing or retail employment, be alert of “wanted” posts in shops near you. Do not hesitate to inquire and ask the store manager for details.
Do not compromise
Think of your part-time job not only as an earning mechanism but a venue for growth and new experiences. Consider the working environment and not just the salary you will get. Students who work part-time while studying believe that part-time work prepares them for full-time employment after graduating. Because of this mentality, they try to get part-time jobs that gives them good training.
Be mindful of your responsibilities
Keeping a balance between studies and work is not easy for students. Moms who are working part-time still have to fulfill their obligations at home. Always strive to maintain the balance between your work and your other priorities.