How to Feed Your Puppy

Feeding the first few days:

For the first few days, it is a good idea to continue feeding the same type and brand of puppy food and use the same feeding schedule the puppy was on before he came to you. Then you can slowly start using the food you have chosen based on information you received from the breeder and veterinarian.

Type of food:

There are three forms of commercially produced dog foods they are, dry kibble, semi-moist (sealed packages), and moist (canned). Most trainers and veterinarians recommend dry kibble food and rarely recommend canned or the semi-moist foods.

Table scraps are a No-No:

The only thing we dislike more than canned or pre-moistened foods for dogs is table scraps. Table scraps are usually higher in calories and certainly are not balanced. Neither are they fortified with the vitamins and minerals that dogs require. Table scraps could cause diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems.

Cow’s milk can cause problems

Cow’s milk has the sugar lactose. Dogs do not have the enzyme lactase that is necessary to digest it. That is why they often develop diarrhea or softer stools when fed milk.

Feeding schedule:

The puppy’s feeding schedule will be somewhat dictated by your own personal schedule. You need to be there for the feedings because you want the puppy and his entire body on a set schedule. Puppies under six months of age should be fed thrice.

Amount to feed:

The amount of food given with each meal should never be dictated by what is on the back of the puppy food bag. Many puppies need less than what is on the bag and a few may need more. Adjust the amount fed to maintain your puppy at an optimal weight.


Treats should never account for more than 10% of your puppy’s caloric intake (which is not much in Toy breeds). Your puppy’s food is his sole source for the nutrition he needs, so do not ‘fill up’ your puppy on treats before meal time.


Puppies may seem to drink large quantities of water. They need water and cannot be deprived of it. A dog or cat can lose almost all of his body fat and half of his protein mass (muscle) and still survive. However, if this same animal loses 15% of his body water, he will die. Water is the most important nutrient of all.