In the recent times we find lots of problems which people face due to anonymous phone calls which make their life very restless. To ensure security while dialing to unknown users in is very necessary to adapt to any precautious means by which they don’t face any problems from the person. Today many types of mechanisms have been brought up in markets which will offer extensive protection by following them. One such mechanism is call blocking from unknown users. Whenever some stranger calls you they are not given access to ring you up. Their call can be disconnected whenever they call by certain techniques. This is a type which involves blocking one particular number.
There are times where there may be a need to block your own mobile number. Such a situation may occur on account of theft where you may loose your mobile and you need to block your number to prevent misusage. At such times you may get help of customer care centers which each and every telecom organization owns to help public. If you make a call they can help you with your queries. You may then follow the steps to prevent any more calls moving out of your mobile.
Another situation is where you will have a need to block your own mobile number for a limited time period, this may be need in cases where you move out of station or country for some reasons and that your usage of one particular number becomes very less. So you can block it for a while and later come back to use it again.
Blocking cell phone number permanently
1. just dial to your customer care of the service provided and then block. Hereafter your number will not be visible when you call somebody
2. In case of mobile users you can contact your care centers and repeat the same process
3. Each network will have a specific customer care center numbers. Using those numbers you can dial to contact then asking to block.
4. If you want to show up your no. again you may contact them back again to enable it.
5. Although to block your no. to all those you call, it will not be blocked to any emergency service.
There are latest trends in blocking nos. from caller Ids. one such method is Spoofing. Its where a false no. is displayed instead of your own no. But you must ensure that its not any other person’s no. It may creates cyber problems in effect. So use spoofing in secured way. And if you would like to learn about using a virtual number on Whatsapp then see this guide on YourBusinessNumber, as it’s the best I’ve found online.
All the above measures will help you in hiding your no. from anonymous users