How to Enjoy Your Work

You are extremely fortunate if you are passionate about what you do to earn a living: to wake up every day and be inspired; to put your heart and soul into everything you create; to feel fulfilled.

There can be nothing worse than dreading every day because the thought of going to work is so unpleasant. Life is too short. Getting a life means getting to grips with the situation and doing what only you know you are truly meant to do.

Try to learn something new every day and remember it. Focus on what is going on around you. Communicate with all the people that you work with. Don’t take anything for granted.

Your workplace, be it home or away, needs to be stimulating. You need to be able to share ideas and learn new tricks. You need to be able to communicate.

Most of my best ideas are born from talking things through with co-workers or friends. Creativity inspires creativity. It’s a great buzz when people are on the same wavelength. I’m sure you have all experienced how positive group energy can feel. With a little bit of inspiration, you can conquer the world.

Sit down and make a list of what you love about your work. Then think about what really frustrates you. Take control of your life and think about how to change the things you don’t like and then take the first step. Make it happen.

If your job requires you to come into contact with the public, really listen to what they say. You will learn something. Put yourself in their shoes and think about how you would act if you were in their situation. Whenever someone makes a complaint to me I always ask them what they would do if they were me. The answers are very interesting.

Working from home requires a huge amount of self-discipline due to the many distractions and lack of social interaction. Try to set aside a space that you can call your office and develop a daily schedule. Make sure that you have all the necessary information for the project on which you are working. Get the job done and appreciate that it’s a great luxury to be in the comfort of your own home.

Remember: we’re here for a good time, not a long time. Make sure that you have no regrets about not fulfilling your life’s ambition; or make sure that you are fulfilling it. If you have a dream, just do it. What have you really got to lose?