Nowadays computers play a vital role in day to day life of people. People are not using their pen and papers for putting letters to their relatives. The use of letters is almost stopped today. The technology has been developed a lot and everyone is using their mobile phones and computers for sending and receiving messages. Cellular phones are widely used everywhere for this purpose. Their usage stops up to the national level, sometimes all you need is a good clean done by Window Cleaning in Austin TX.
For contacting people in the international level, you are in need of computers and internet to have this facility. There is no need to spend more money for contacting people at far away places. They are not going to miss them also. Internet helps you in contacting people in more friendly way. Anyone can meet others in no time with the help of message systems in internet.
One of the most popular message systems is nothing but the windows live messenger software program. It comes inbuilt in the windows operating system and no need to separately install them. They are like add on packages which are available with the operating system of windows itself. You can see them in all the versions of windows. Once you connect to the internet, it will automatically connect you to the messenger network.
They are providing many facilities for you like sending and receiving messages, chat with your friends, sending and receiving the files, etc. Since it is a live chat, you need the other party to be online in order to continue the chat. The messages will be delivered only when you online. Once you disconnect the internet connections, then you can’t send any more messages. Mostly, people who are using windows OS use this program for having chat with others.
Most of the people don’t like this program for using the chat facility as there are many new software programs available with good features in addition to them. You can’t have two chat programs in a single system because it always causes some problem to you in running both of them. If you really don’t like to use windows messenger program, you can very well uninstall them from the system. But if you are planning to use them in future, then you can disable them instead of uninstalling them.
Disabling them helps in temporarily stop the service of connecting messenger over the internet. Once you disable them completely, you can use your own chat programs now without any difficulties. You don’t face any problem in using your software now. You can see the icon of messenger in the toolbar of main window. Right click on the icon; there will be an option like disable. Click disable to temporarily disable its working.