You can easily design your own umbrella by materials found at your house. This article gives you a few helpful tips to design your umbrella. This whole process can be very enjoyable and amusing and you may even involve your kids in the same.
Gather all the raw materials needed to design the umbrella.
The first raw material will be to find an umbrella that is plain and lacks any design. Your kids may go ahead and choose a color themselves for their respective umbrellas. If you plan to save some money, go ahead and use umbrellas that are already present at your home. After having gathered all the umbrellas you wish to design, the next step is to collect various other materials like white glue of regular strength, sparkles, emboss paint, differently sized art brushes, and some colorful markers. A pair of scissors, tracing paper and a pencil are also needed.
Choose the designs for the umbrellas.
Reproduce the chosen design by drawing the same on a tracing paper. If your drawing isn’t exactly your best quality, check the Internet for some free designs. Download it, print it and then cut it along its edges.
Put down the design on the umbrella skirt.
To effectively put the design on the umbrella, first open it. You have to trace the design on the skirt of the umbrella with a marker of any color of your choice. Follow the same steps for all the designs that you have.
Add life to the designs by coloring them.
You may use sparkles or glitters to fill the design on the umbrella skirts. For this, begin with applying ample glue within the parts of the design. The glue must not be in contact with the edges. Let the glue dry up a little bit for a few minutes only. After this, put sparkles or glitters on the glue of colors of your choice and let everything dry completely and settle. If you feel that the sparkles are a little bit in excess, shake off the extra. You may even use emboss paint of different colors for filling your design. In case you plan to paint a layer of a color on top of another, let the first paint dry and then proceed with the next. If your design for your umbrella is a car and you decide to paint it blue, then let the layer of the blue color dry up first, and then add details like the headlights or the bumper.
You may be allergic to paint fumes. In other cases also, paint fumes can cause damage, so it is advisable to work in an area that has proper ventilation. Wear a mask if you work with sparkles so that you do not end up inhaling it. If your kids are doing this project, make sure there is an adult to supervise them.