How to Cook Kalua Pig and Cabbage

How to Cook Kalua Pig and Cabbage

This is a Hawaiian Pork dish which entails roasting a pig (pork shoulder) in an oven bag. It can be done in a pit in one’s backyard or in an oven.


  • pork shoulder (5 lbs)
  • soy sauce (1/4 cup)
  • Hawaiian sea salt ( 2 tablespoon)
  • peeled garlic (4 cloves)
  • Worcestershire sauce (2 tablespoon)
  • ginger slices (3)
  • liquid smoke (2 teaspoon)
  • chopped cabbage heads (2)


  1. Set oven temperature to 325 degree Fahrenheit. This is to pre-heat the oven.
  2. Clean the pork shoulder with water and transfer it to an oven roasting bag.
  3. Mix all ingredients listed, less the pork shoulder, in a container.
  4. Pour this mixture on the pork shoulder inside the bag. Rub it into the shoulder till it is evenly coated.
  5. Now seal the oven roasting bag and then make a few holes in it. This will permit steam to escape out once the cooking process starts.
  6. Place the roasting bag in a roasting pan inside the oven.
  7. Fill water in the roasting pan till it is nearly half full.
  8. Now set the oven temperature at 195 degree Fahrenheit. To keep a check on the temperature, a cooking thermometer may be placed through one of the holes in the oven roasting bag.
  9. Now place the roasting pan inside the oven and let it get heated till the set temperature is reached.
  10. Once it reaches the desired temperature, remove the roasting pan from the oven. Let the contents of the pan cool down.
  11. Take the pork out on cooling and using a fork shred it into small chunks. There may be harder pieces on the inner side. These can be chopped off.
  12. The stock which was in the pan should be taken out in a pot and refrigerated. This stock now contains the juices from the stock and the ingredient mix.
  13. After being refrigerated overnight, the stock will show a fat deposit on top. This can be easily removed to make the pork shoulder relatively fat free.
  14. Heat up the stock juices in a pan or a large pot till it starts simmering. Add chopped cabbage. Let it cook for some time till the cabbage is tender. Add the shredded pork and mix well.
  15. Once it has been heated nicely and all ingredients are well mixed, serve the dish in a serving tray.