How to Convert from Pdf to Text

Nowadays due to the advancements in software, we have lot many options to convert one format file to another format file. Likewise we have converters to convert from word to PDF, PDF to HTML, PDF to word, and so on. To know how to convert the PDF to word, the best way is to extract the texts from the Adobe PDF documents and then it can be converted into word document. If you want to convert the Adobe PDF file to HTML file free on online, then below are some steps to be noted.


The first option is to download the Adobe Acrobat from internet or any PDF conversion software. Then open the PDF document that you wanted to convert and choose the option save as Text from the menu bar. Moreover learn something about Adobe Acrobat Alternatives for further usage.

The second option is, use the Gmail PDF conversion software to convert xls, doc, ppt, pdf, rtf and then open the office documents to convert to HTML file. Particularly no software is to be downloaded.

The third option is to convert straight from the Adobe, who are the developers of the PDF. The Adobe team has developed this converting software as an easy free service to permit the visually impaired and blind users to read the Adobe PDF files at no cost. For this facility to access one just needs the internet facility.

You just have to mail to the Adobe PDF file as one MIME attachment in the e-mail message to their developer team. For the conversion into plain text, just e-mail the main PDF file to the address

And for the conversion into HTML, just e-mail to the address All the converted Adobe PDF files will be mailed back to the user or the sender as one MIME attachment.

This direct Adobe PDF file conversion service provided works best on the documents that are in English. The documents that are in European languages, as German or French, convert fairly well only by excluding the symbols that cannot be represented by the ASCII text, as umlauts. The languages that require double-byte characters, as in Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew and Arabic are not supported. But Adobe might rarely access the file that you submit for the purpose of quality control of conversion service.

The fourth option is just use the free version of Adobe Reader and save the original PDF files as text, or can also use the full-fledged version of the Acrobat standard or the Adobe Acrobat Professional to save the Adobe PDF files to text or any other formats, including the (RTF) Rich Text Format, XML and HTML format.