How to Combine Images in Photoshop

One of the easiest ways to create new and exciting compositions is to combine individual pictures. In this tutorial, you will learn to combine images inconspicuously by cleaning up the edges of pasted objects and adjusting the brightness and contrast.

  • Open an image
  • Select the Zoom Tool from the toolbox. Select the subject to zoom in on him.
  • Select the Selection Brush Tool from the toolbox. In the options bar, set Size to 35 pixels, Mode to Mask, Hardness to 0%, Overlay Opacity to 50%, and Overlay Color to Red. A Hardness of 0% makes the brush edges soft and natural. This is important in making the selection border less obvious when the image is placed into another picture.

  • Paint over the subjects to create a mask. Change your brush size as you go along in order to cover accurately.
  • In the options bar, set the Mode to Selection. This will select the unmasked area.
  • Choose [Select]-[Inverse] from the menu bar to invert the selection and select the masked area instead. Press [Ctrl]+[C] to copy the selection.
  • Open the second image
  • Press [Ctrl]+[V] to paste the image of the subjects onto the second image.
  • Select the Move Tool from the toolbox. Drag the subjects to the position.
  • Select the Zoom Tool from the toolbox. Select the subject to zoom in on it.
  • Select the Eraser Tool from the toolbox. In the options bar, set the Brush to Soft Round and Size to 9 pixels. Use the Eraser Tool to clean up the edges of the pasted image.
  • In the options bar, set Size to 50 pixels and Opacity to 50%.
  • Let’s adjust the brightness and contrast of the pasted image to match the background’s. Select [Enhance]-[Adjust Brightness/ Contrast]-[Brightness/Contrast] from the menu bar. In the Brightness/Contrast dia¬log box, set Brightness to 5 and Contrast to 10. Click OK.
  • Click the More button in the Layers palette. Select [Flatten Image] from the drop-down menu to combine the two images on one layer.
  • Select [Filter]-[Render]-[Lens Flare] from the menu bar. In the [Lens Flare] dialog box, click in the Flare Center window to position the lens flare. Set Brightness to 100%. Click OK.