How to Clean Your Home With Vinegar

Many people do not realize that you can clean your entire home with out ever buying expensive and dangerous chemicals in the store and its likely that many of these natural cleaning products in your cabinet already!  Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that all of the products that you can buy in the store are going to harm you or your family but filling your home with chemicals seems like a silly idea when you don’t have to. For more on giving a deep clean to your house just check out this service which that does Pressure Washing Near Me.

So what is the most versatile house hold cleaner that you likely have in your cabinet right now?  Its vinegar!  When your thinking of all natural cleaning products vinegar is going to be your all purpose cleaner.  You can actually use vinegar to clean just about everything in your home.  The best mix is 1 cup of vinegar to 2 cups of water.  I know what your thinking, you don’t want your house to smell like a salad but just give it a try.  Put 1 cup of vinegar and 2 cups of water into a spray bottle and grab your favorite cleaning towel and lets get started in the kitchen! And if you’re looking for a good pressure washing company in Wilmington NC then I highly recommend you give PowerTech Power Washing a call.

You can safely use this spray on your counter tops, your kitchen sink, your stove, microwave, coffee pot, the floor and well anything that will stand still and has a hard surface in your kitchen and then just wipe away the yuck and know that your surfaces are not only clean but also should your little one do something as crazy as licking where you just cleaned, you don’t have to worry that they ingested any chemicals.  Not only is it a great safe way to clean but since its diluted it wont leave your house smelling like a salad, in fact I have actually had people tell me that my house doesn’t have a sent at all to it.  So lets move on to another room.

How about your living room.  Now that’s a place that can get messy!  Although I don’t suggest spraying this on electronics or wood work, if you have some of it on your cloth you can certainly wipe them down with it.  On top of that if you have children’s toys that need to be disinfected you can clean them with this solution as well as cleaning the yucky things like your cat box.

If you have pets then you know what a mess and a smell that pets can make!  Did you know that vinegar is also a great disinfectant, deodorant and it will even deter your pets from soiling that spot again?  Where ever my pets have made a mess on the carpet I will use the same vinegar to water ratio that I use in a spray bottle in my carpet cleaner.  Doing this will clean the spot, remove any sent from that spot, and pets don’t like the smell of vinegar which means that they wont want to go near that spot any time soon and that will help to keep them from doing it there again! However, if the carpet needs to be deep cleaned, I hire expert carpet cleaning in Plymouth to help me make it spotless and free from dust.

There are many other products like this that you can make right in your own home and from your own cabinet! According to the Roof Cleaning in Raleigh NC experts you can even use vinegar for your roof They all work great and help to save our environment, keep your family and pets safe and keep your house clean and smelling fresh!