How to Clean a Dining Room

A dining room is often a convenient room to double as a study. Having a separate desk or table to work on is ideal, but otherwise spread out over the dining room table, making sure you have protected it well first, especially if it is valuable. Using a full-size heat­proof cover under a tablecloth makes sense. Or cover the entire table with a sheet of plywood or formica which can be lifted off when the table is needed. Lay a piece of fabric under the wood to ensure the table is not scratched.

Dining room table

Dining room tables are made of many different materials and sadly the more beautiful, the more sensitive they are. As a general rule stand vases, glasses and hot cups, mugs, dishes and plates on mats so any heat or liquid cannot damage the surface of the table. Also, line the underneath surface of any orna­ments or objects (including your type­writer) with a piece of felt.

Dining Room

French polished furniture is very delicate and can easily be damaged by liquid, so protect it carefully or wipe any spills up at once. Even if your table surface is a plastic laminate and seems more robust, hot dishes should not stand on it, nor should bread or any­thing else be cut on it as scratches cannot be removed. Wipe up anything spilled, especially any red stains (berry juice, red wine, etc) immediately.

Working surfaces

If your desk or table top is fake leather it should be cleaned by gently wiping it with an almost dry cloth dipped in the suds of a detergent (not soap) solution and polished afterwards with a soft cloth. If it is real leather, use soapsuds. Spilt ink is a problem. Rub the stain cautiously with white spirit, but be careful as white spirit can remove the colour of the leather. Every now and again feed real leather gently with hide food, but be careful to avoid touching any gilt decoration the desk may have.

Any typewriters, computers or other office equipment in your home should be kept covered as much as possible to avoid the build-up of dust. Also avoid spilling any liquid over a keyboard as it will damage the works. Make sure that your machines are regularly serviced and overhauled so that they are kept in good working order.