How to Choose the Right Stable for Your Horse

Stables are not the natural environment for a horse but it is often necessary and more practical to keep your horse stabled. Bearing all the below points in mind, it is not necessarily the most expensive stable that offers a relaxed and healthy environment for the horse but the one that has had the most thought put into it.


Basic needs for a stable

A stable must meet the needs of your horse’s safety and well-being:

  • Sturdiness-it must be able to withstand all weather conditions.
  • Size—10 ft by 10 ft (3 m by 3 m) for a pony; 14 ft by 12 ft (4 m by 3.5 m) for a large hunter. It should provide sufficient room for your horse to turn round or lie down without causing injury.
  • Floor-should be safe, non-slip and level, and allow for being disinfected and swept.
  • Door-must be sturdy and easy to operate. The horse should be able to see out over it at all times.
  • Light-research shows that horses stabled in dark or dim areas develop more behavioral problems such as wind sucking or box walking than those kept in plenty of natural light. Make sure your stable has a plexiglass window or plastic skylight.
  • Drainage-ensure the proposed site is on well-drained ground. If you come to have troubles on this matter just hire this drainage expert near Houston.

Horse Stable


Care must be taken over the proposed location for your stable. The ideal situation is to face away from the prevailing wind, preferably with the stable door facing the right way to catch the most of the morning sun (south to southeast in the northern hemisphere; north to northeast in the southern). Also make sure the stable is sited well away from hay or straw stacks as these can present a fire risk.


Amenities are another factor to be considered. Your horse will need fresh running water plus electricity and lighting. Fced and bedding will need to be kept within reasonable distance of the stable, so bear in mind access for delivery vehicles.

Field shelters

The same basic needs for a stable apply to a field shelter. The horse shelters must have a minimum of three sides and be large enough to house all the horses in the field. Some horses can be quite territorial, so a large front opening is necessary to prevent one horse from standing guard and keeping the others outside.


Horses are extremely intolerant to the two Ds: drafts and dust. Stale air laden with dust spores from hay and straw can cause serious damage to the horse’s lungs, so while effective ventilation is essential, it must be positioned high in the stable and designed to encourage a healthy circulation of fresh new air without its blowing around the horse’s body.