Walking is a low impact activity that can be done indoors or outdoors, in various climatic conditions, and on varying types of terrain. Walking first requires the proper shoes.
Shoes have been designed specifically for exercise walking for different terrains. Appropriate footwear adds to the enjoyment of walking and reduces the likelihood of incurring a walking related injury. The following guidelines will help in selecting the proper walking shoes.
1. The shoes should be well-padded at the heel to absorb the impact of landing. Women’s shoes, particularly, should be well-padded in this area because women tend to land with more force per body weight than men at all walking speeds. The heels on all walking shoes should be 1/2 to 3/4 inch higher than the sole.
2. The shoes should fit snugly at the heel and instep (the arched upper part of the foot) and should follow the foot’s natural shape.
3. The outer soles should be constructed of durable solid rubber or carbon rubber for long wear. The tread should be designed for good traction.
4. The inner soles should include removable arch supports and heel cups that can be removed after a workout so they can air out and dry.
5. The upper portion of walking shoes should be constructed from leather, synthetic fabrics, or a combination. These materials allow the feet to breathe, and they provide foot comfort.
6. All walking shoes are relatively lightweight. Unless you are a competitor, you do not have to purchase the lightest shoes on the market, and actually you should not. Foot protection rather than shoe weight is most important for people who walk for health and fitness.
7. Shoes should be selected for function rather than color or fashion.
8. Beginners might do well to purchase their first couple of pairs of walking shoes from a sporting goods store that specializes in sports footwear. The professional salespeople can assist in selection and proper sizing of the shoes.