How to Change cPanel Theme

cPanel is a web hosting control panel that is based on unix. cPanel offers users a graphical interface and a number of useful tools to help webmasters to maintain their website more efficiently. cPanel is comprised of three tiers structures that allow administrators, resellers and webmasters to control a wide range of aspects of their website through a standard internet browser.

cPanel was initially designed as a website control panel for Speed Hosting. Speed Hosting is no longer exist. The cpanel was first written by J. Nicholas Koston. Later Web King merge with Speed Hosting and moved their offices to Virtual Development Inc. At that time, cPanel was only avalaible to customers that signed up with Virtual Development Inc. Cpanel 2 was released in 1999. cPanel 3 has a lot of bugs and did not have a user friendly interface. The cPanel interface improves tremendously when Carlos Rego designed the default theme of the cPanel. Due to a quarrel between Virtual Development Inc. and J. Nick Koston, cPanel split into cPanel and Web Panel. Virtual Development Inc. runs the Web Panel but without the J. Nick Koston, it cannot improve.  J.Nick Koston continues to develop and improve cPanel until it become a stable and reliable control panel.

There are several add ons that exist in cPanel for a fee such as Moodle, Drupa, Joomla, Mambo and many others. However, the fees are not charged for the applications themselves.

cPanel is the most popular administering tool that allows you to easily maintain your website. Under the Preference feature menu, there are several features that allows you to change the settings in your cPanel account. The preference menu has the tools that allow you to change the password of your cPanel account and update your contact information. You can also change the language that display on your cPanel by accessing the Change Language icon.

If you want to change the template on your cPanel account, you can do this via the Change Style option. There are 15 preinstalled themes that you can choose from. To switch to a theme, click on the Switch to <theme name> button.

To change your CPanel theme, follow the instructions below:


  • On the homepage of your Cpanel account, click Change Style under “Preferences”.

Changed cpanel theme

  • There are several cPanel themes for you to choose from.

ChoosingcPanel Themes

  • When you have picked a theme, click on the Switch Style button. In this tutorial, we will use tealmadness theme as an example.

Switch Style button

  • Click Home on top of the page to view your new CPanel theme.

View CPanel Theme

  • As you can see, the cpanel theme has been changed.

Changed cpanel theme

If you follow the instructions above, you will be able to change the theme of your cPanel.