Pet foods may be bought hassle-free from pet food shops and some veterinary supplies stores; however, there are times when it is just convenient (and cheaper) to get bugs from the backyard and give it to your pet.
1. Find a location that has lots of insects. In your backyard or in an open field, these are usually the areas where the grasses are tall. These insects build their habitats near the grassy areas because they feed on the leaves of the plants.
2. Prepare a temporary container for the insects. You may use an old jug for this purpose. However, you will have to change this often because it easily gets drenched in moisture from the insects.
3. Begin looking for the bugs. It is best if you use a mesh net for catching the insects. Flying insects are difficult to catch with your bare hands. Once you are able to catch one insect, place it immediately into your container.
4. Take the insects to your pet. Open the cage of your reptile and allow the insects to move into his cage. Observe which of the insects your pet will eat. This will give you an idea on the type of insects that you should catch next time.
Throw away the dead insects in order to keep your pet’s cage clean. Dead insects may also threaten your petís health.
5. Dispose the insect’s temporary container properly.
Alternatively, you can wash it for use during your next hunt.
1. Limit the number of flying insects that you will catch. Many of them will just fly out when you open your container.
2. Place some dirt at the bottom of the temporary container in order to create a habitat similar to the insects’ natural environment. But make sure that the dirt does not get transferred along with the insects into your petís cage.
3. Bore holes into the lid of the container in order to allow some the insects to breathe. A thumbtack will create holes small enough to prevent the insects from escaping.
4. Spray some water into the walls of your container so that the insects will have something to drink. Don’t overspray, though, because there are some insects that die in too much water.
5. Use suitable protective clothing when catching insects. Wear pants and apply some insect repellent lotion.
6. Do not catch spiders, ticks, bees or adult mantises for feeding your pet. They might endanger your pet’s life (and yours, too).
1. If you are not sure what the insect is, do not catch it.
2. Do not catch insects if you just recently sprayed some pesticides on.
3. Pick the insects that are small enough for your pet to feed on. Also, as much as possible, do not feed your pet with wild crickets.