It is pleasing to see how your strawberry grows and how it gives you sweet and delicious fruits. It is great to know how to build your own strawberry planter to make it as teasing as it tastes. As much as how delicious it can taste you can also grow it in a beautiful strawberry planters. You can follow these steps to make your strawberry plants enticing to many.
- Plan for your desired strawberry planter (many pictures are available online to have an inspiration for building your own planter)
- Wood and lumber
- Tools and other materials for building (nails, screws and hammer)
- Good high quality soil
- Garden tools and kits
- Strawberry plants
- You need to know where you will put it. The location of the planter is very important so that you will know where the plants can have enough sunlight and water while it is growing. Good ambiance and location for plants can make your strawberry plans happy and will give you delicious fruits.
- The very best place you can place your strawberry planter is within the vicinity of the house.
- Be sure to use materials like wood, bricks, stones panels that can be use for a great strawberry planter.
- There are available kits in order to have a good result.
- Start your building process by following the instructions and be sure you have followed all the measurements to prevent any further problems with your strawberry planter.
- Basically you need to have 14 to 16 inches length of the frame but still it depends on your desired design.
- In regards with the width of the planter, this depends on how many strawberries you plan to plant or how many is already available in your garden.
- If you need inspiration in looking for a great design for your planters there are many beautiful pictures online that can be available.
- When you have already built your desired strawberry planter, you can have it moved to right location. Then put some soil. (That is of course with good quality that is fertile and great for your strawberries).
- With a good soil inside a beautiful planter, your strawberry plants should be the next in line. Make it a point that you can follow tips and procedures when taking care and planting your strawberry plants.
- Another great way to have money during strawberry seasons that you will enjoy with the family.
Further Readings: