How to Build a Sandbox

There are many fun and inexpensive ways to enhance your kids’ social life, backyard  and playground. Playing in a sandbox is one of the most popular childhood activities. Sanboxes have given children all over the world countless hours of classic fun and memories.

Children love to build sandcastles and bury their feet in the sand. The sandbox gives children a space to foster and shape their creativity. Building a sandbox is inexpensive and easier to do than you may think. Continue reading on to find out how to build your own.

Difficulty: Moderate


Things You’ll Need:

Measuring Tapes



Circular Saws

Combination Squares

Drill Bits

Multiuse Screws

Screwdriver Bits

Variable-speed Drills

Drill Bits


Selecting Your Materials

Step 1

To start your sandbox you will need to purchase four 2 x 6 x 12 construction grade lumber. The lumber needs to be true and not crooked anywhere.

Step 2

Use a pencil to mark your separate lumber. Label them as follows: A – two pieces, 60 inches (Long Sides); B – two pieces, 57 inches (Short Sides); C – four pieces, 68 inches (Benches); D – eight pieces, 6 inches (Support Blocks).

Step 3

Take each ‘C’ piece and place them on opposing 45 degree angles. Cut both ends with a Miter saw.

Assembling the Sandbox

Step 1

Select the place where your sandbox will be.  Assemble the sandbox in the order that follows. Use weatherized wooden screws that measure 2 1/2 inches long to built the sandbox.

Step 2

Parallel the two “A” pieces (long sides) up on perimeter at about 57 inches apart.

Step 3

Create a square by positioning the two “B” pieces (short sides) between the long sides that are set at either end. They should form flush, square corners. Use two or three screws in every corner to secure then tightly together.

Step 4

Now, attach two of the “D” pieces (support blocks). They go on the outside of each side of the square. Position them about 6 inches from the corners. Make sure the tops are level.

Step 5

Place the “C” pieces (benches) around the top perimeter of the sandbox. All the inside edges should be positioned flush and the angled corners should be tight. The benches get secured to the support blocks and the top perimeter of the side.  You can paint your sandbox any color you decide.

Step 6

Your custom made sandbox is complete and ready to be filled with sand. You will need about 1 ton of sand to fill a sandbox of this size.