How to Build a Ramp

There are many different uses for ramps. A ramp is an inclined surface. Its function is to be used as a medium to access a destination from one point to another. Here is how you can build your own ramp using wood and brick. Read on.


Required Materials

  • activity sheet
  • wood
  • brick
  • carpet samples
  • gutter
  • rubber treads
  • masking tape
  • pink foam
  • PVC black
  • PVC white
  • colored stickers
  • nails and screws

Required Tools

  • tape measure
  • claw and framing hammers
  • nail belts
  • nail puller
  • level
  • screwdrivers
  • handsaw
  • drills
  • hacksaw
  • measuring thread / string
  • staple gun
  • chisel
  • clam
  • nail gun
  • plumb bob
  • caulking gun
  • blueprints
  • tin snip
  • posthole digger


Legal Issues

Before you begin building your ramp, contact your city to have then tell you required building specifications. You want to make sure your ramp is compliant with all codes. Also, verify whether you need a building permit to rectify this structure.

Initial Measurements

Measure the ground you want to build you ramp on. Every inch of ground elevation will require you to build 1′ of ramp. To accommodate for a turn at the top of you ramp, you will need to lay a 5′ square landing. Line your square landing with batter boards.

Laying Post Locations

First, Use a masonry line and batter boards to lay your ramp. Use the 3-4-5 triangle principle. Level and square each line to make perfect triangles. The next step is to excavate 3” into the ground. Digger a few inches deeper to make sure your base will be firm. Mark with post locations with masking tape. Use powdered chalk and a plumb bob to place the marks on the post. Make 6” deep holes and then tie the lines that are marking the exterior post faces.

The Concrete

Fill the tube with concrete. Eliminate any air pockets as indicated in the instructions. Level the concrete and allow it to settle for at least 48 hours.

Laying the Joists –

When you have prepared all other parts of the ramp, including the ground, measure the lengths of the outside faces and cut crossbeams according to the lengths. Use a hole driller to make holes for theĀ masonry bolt or hex-headed bolts on the beams. Join them together. Do not forget to secure them with washers. Lay the landing joists out flat and cut them down to fit the sides located the posts. Reinforce the landing joists with the running joists. Finally, test the stability of the ramp. Shake the ramp and step on it to make sure it can withstand the rigor.