How to Build a Loft Ladder

The loft is a perfect place to store any items that are not used regularly. For example: suitcases, sports equipment etc.

Unfortunately, lofts are rather awkward to reach so the best plan would be use a specially designed loft ladder. Specially designed loft ladders from the hardware store can be expensive, so the cheaper alternative would be to try a little DIY and build one for yourself.

The materials you will need in order to build your ladder can be found in most hardware stores. You need a measuring tape, wood, sandpaper, drill and bits, screws and varnish.


  • Firstly, you will need to measure the distance from your loft to the floor. You will need to add 16 inches to the final measurement as the ladder needs to be able to reach the loft at an angle. You will need to get two lengths of wood (one for each side of the ladder) the length of your final measurement.
  • Next you will need to work out how many rungs you will need on your ladder. The average ladder has an approximate distance of 10 inches between each rung. Remember to leave a space of about 10 inches at the top and the bottom of the long pieces of wood you are using for the sides of the ladder. Now cut out the number of rungs you will need. For example if you have a distance of 84 inches (7 ft.) from floor to loft you need to add 84 + 16 = 100 inches. Divide 100 by 10 and take away 2 for the very top and the very bottom of your ladder. So for this length of ladder you will need 8 pieces of wood suitable for ladder rungs.
  • The rungs should be affixed to the ladder sides using a drill and heavy duty screws. Ensure you affix the ladder rungs straight.
  • Now you have your basic ladder ready you will need to use sandpaper and sand it well. This will prevent you from getting splinters in your hands when using the loft ladder. After it has been well sanded you may wish to varnish it. This will help to preserve your ladder.

    Now you will be able to use your loft with ease and store those bulky items that aren’t used all the time.