An ordinary bench would be most suitable for comfortable outdoor sitting. The bench formed with the redwood would be cheap and it need not be maintained, it can be removed and stored during the winter season.
The tools required are measuring rule, driller, saw of any kind, protractor, c-clamps, nails, hammer, sanding block etc,. the materials required are 4-4 and 2-4 redwood stock, different sized carriage bolts, locknuts, sand paper, washers etc,.
- Plan the type of bench you need to build, whether it is an ordinary one or a stylish one. Also do consider the place where it is to be kept (i.e. a window seat table or a picnic table). Decide whether it must have a footrest, if so means in front or at the back. These things will decide the quality of the table that is going to be produced.
- Start with the legs, cut two equal pieces of pine wood of about fourteen to eighteen inches. Plug and screw a one cross two piece of pine into the leg, flush the top of each leg to make a seat of platform. You should make it available with a crossed leg. For bench of back time, build two’ h’ shaped and sized frames. Two h shaped are sufficient for an ordinary bench, but for a long bench, more number of h shaped are required. Screw up the leg with bolts or dowels tightly so that it can withstand high pressure. Make use of the one cross four to ten inches to make the back. Use many number of small pieces instead of using long piece as it would tend to break in high pressure ( say while the kid play or fall on them). Before assembling the woods sand all the pieces. This process is done primarily to save time, and outdoors can be painted off.
- The seat must very flat, there should not be any bents or dents, only then the users can be very comfortable. Once the seat pieces are well equipped the seat should be placed on the leg brackets and must screwed using bolts and dowels. If your bench consists of a back rest, then fit it last. Mostly there will be many slats, fix them properly starting from the edge to the middle.
- Once all these things are finished, polish the bench with sand paper. After making it smooth, varnish it and give it a nice color, to your liking. Give sufficient time for the paint to have a good hold on the wood. You can also cushion the bench for increasing the level of comfortness. Place the bench in an even surface so that all the legs are equally rested on the ground. This will make the bench to be without any dislocations.