How to Become a Model If You’re Plus Sized

The idea that only super thin and super tall models can make it in the fashion world is only a stereotype. In reality, nowadays companies look for “real’ people to use in their commercials; additionally, a niche exists for plus-sized models. Plus size models reflect the reality that not all women have slim physiques. Plus-sized models must remain realistic about what they can do and promote themselves for fashion or commercial modeling. If you want to work in the plus-sized modeling world, follow these tips.

  • Be realistic about yourself. Ask yourself what skills and talents you have and how much time you will dedicate to modeling. Many women who say they want to work as plus-sized models think of it as a hobby. To make it in the fashion world you need to have determination, great communication skills and the willingness and drive to take care of your body constantly. Working as a plus-sized model does not mean you can have an un-toned body. You need to really think about what you want and have the determination to become a professional. You also need to embrace realism and understand what kinds of jobs you can get. You might have fewer chances of working as a catwalk model, but on the other hand you have more chances of appearing in commercials.

  • Learn about the fashion world. To work as a plus-sized model you need to freshen up your appearance from head to toe. You need to have a well-proportioned, toned body and beautiful hair and skin. You have to learn how to do your own make-up and get some outfits that make your body look beautiful. Look for modeling opportunities by going to local stores as well as talking to designers and modeling agencies and telling them you would like to work as a plus-sized model. You can also attend auditions and casting calls for plus-sized models. (You can find out about specific casting calls at Have a resume and a business card that includes your picture and give them to designers and potential employers. Keep in mind that professional plus-sized models usually wear sizes between 8 and 18. Although plus-sized models don’t usually have to stand at a certain height, your body needs to look good and proportioned.
  • Get professional opinions about your chances of making it in the fashion world. Meet with a modeling agency, an agent or designer and ask their honest opinion about whether you have what it takes to work as a plus-sized model. Maybe you still need to work on your body or your modeling skills. Get opinions about your potential and talents and decide whether you want to go further or not. You can get find more tips and information about plus-sized modeling at