Truth or dare
The truth is that you just can’t fit another thing into your over-stuffed wardrobe. There are three layers of clothing on every hanger and you can never find what you want to wear when you want to wear it.
The dare is to admit that there are things in your wardrobe that haven’t seen the light of day for years. You have even forgotten what clothes you have because it’s been so long since you saw them all. It’s time for a purge.
Honesty is the best policy
You may need to have someone to help you sort through your wardrobe who will tell you the truth. Get your best mate round – they may walk away with a few of your goodies and will love the chance to relive your past with you.
Make it fun – have a laugh. A weekend afternoon is an ideal time to get the project done. Put on some great tunes – reggae does it for me – pour yourself a glass of wine, or whatever puts you in the mood, and get going.
Out of the closet
Do not be embarrassed by what you uncover even if you find things that have been lurking in your closet for10 years without being worn. Your cast-offs can go to charity and make you feel better about gaining the weight, buying on impulse or making the World’s Worst Dressed list. It will also give both of you the chance to remember who you once were and to be thankful that you have moved on and changed, hopefully, for the better!
Pile it up
Get a good supply of bin liners. You will need them. Everything must come out. Sort the clothes into four separate piles – see what’s hot, what’s not (opposite). Be honest, or the whole exercise will have been pointless. Take your time to decide properly as you’ll have to live with the consequences.
Remember that phrase about clouds and silver linings? It will all be fine in the end. You will save so much time every day that the pain and agony of all this organising will fade quickly.
Clean slate
Once you have been through all your clothes, you will know how many items need to go back into the wardrobe. Some of these might need to be cleaned first. If you get anything dry-cleaned, remember to remove the plastic bags from the dry-cleaner’s before you hang the clothes up, as they don’t allow your clothing to breathe and can yellow fine, light-coloured fabrics.