How to Apply Eye Liner?

Your eyes are the window to your world, and for that alluring effect, why not try some eyeliner? To begin with you need to carefully select an eyeliner that suits you best. There are a number of eyeliners in the market such as, pencil, liquid, cake eyeliners as well as the the Marc Jacobs highliner dupes. Here are some tips on how you can choose the best one and apply it right.


Try each one of these and you will be the better judge. You need to apply eyeliner near the base of your eyelashes. Remember, never to apply a very thick line, as that would make your eyes look heavy and tired. A thin line, applied with a brush to smoothen and blend well, would be the right choice.

If you use liquid eyeliner, make sure to apply it top of the eye lashes. Use the brush with precision and you will need to practice a few times till you get it right. Let the liquid dry up a bit before you open your eyes, so that it doesn’t smear the top of your eyes.

Eye Liner

The easiest way to line your eyes is a colored pencil. Sharpen the pencil before you apply it along the tip of your eyelashes. For a more permanent look, you can opt for cosmetic surgery and use micro pigmentation, where the skin is punctured with a very thick needle with color pigments.

Your eyes are sensitive and delicate, so remember to apply eyeliner, using a light hand, so as not to damage the eyes. Start from the inner corner of your eye. Make sure to apply your eye shadow before you use eyeliner. For a sexy look, use a pencil eyeliner followed by a liquid eyeliner at the top. This will highlight the eyes and form a good outline, for that deeper look.

When you make a line, start from a point that is in between your eyes, and never draw it from the nook. You can try merging the line with your lashes. This must be made in the opposite direction with the eyelid firmly shut. The strokes should be short and stop with you are through two thirds of the eyes.

Make sure your eyelids are tight before you apply eyeliner. To do this, hold back your head and look down in the mirror. You can use a pencil liner on the top and lower lashes as well. However, liquid eyeliners can only be used on the top lid. For a smokey effect, smudge your eyeliner with a piece of cotton, and stroke the inner lid. Always remember to use a clean and soft applicator.

They say that beauty is in the eyes of a beholder. Line them well and this saying will remain true to you forever.