How to Address Thank You Cards for Friends

There are often such occasions where you get such special gifts from people that are either unexpected or hold a special place in your heart. A thank you card is just what shows your feeling of appreciation and admiration for the same. Sending a thank you card is fairly easy. All you need is some fundamental understanding of etiquette and a little bit of your personal touch. If you plan and organize you things, a thank you card is a very hassle free task with no troubles.

  • First of all, make a list of all the friends you want to send a thank you card to. Get your address book to look into the addresses if each and make sure no one is left out.

  • Now, write down the address of your friend on the card cover. On the top line, write down the name of whichever person you are sending the card to. You should have ample space to add on at least two address lines or more on the cover. In case the recipient is one of your formal business colleagues or so, then try and use citation. Go in for the standard Mr. and Mrs. to give the required formal touch.
  • After writing down the name of your friend, write down the street address in the following line. Be very particular in neatness such that the first character of your friend’s address should be in sync and in the same straight line as his name’s first letter. For example, if your friend’s address starts with a P.O. box number, then this ‘P’ should fall directly under his name’s first letter in the same line.
  • Now put down your friend’s city, state as well as zip code on the line following the address. These should also be in the same line such that the city’s first letter falls directly below the address’s and so. If you are sending the thank you card to a friend living abroad, make sure you specify the name of your recipient’s country as well.
  • Next, on the top of the card, on the left corner, neatly put down you own address. Ensure that you follow all that was specified for the address of the recipient.

In case you plan to mail your thank you notes instead of handing them over in person, than do not forget to put stamps on the same.