How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress

Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics application that can be use to analyze your traffic data. Installing Google Analytics on your blog helps to keep track of the visitors on your blog. Google Analytics is free and made available for everyone to use. It has all the features of a web analytic like page views, visitors count, return visitors count, goals conversions and visitors demographic information, learn more about google .adds by visiting your local Google ads management agency.

Users can add up to 50 site profiles in each Google Analytic account. Google Analytic is only for websites with less than 5 million page views per month unless the site is linked to an Adwords campaign.

You can either install the Google Analytic to your blog through the Google Analytics WordPress plugin or manually install the code inside your blog.

To install the WordPress Google Analytics plugin, follow the instructions below:

  • Download the Google Analytics for WordPress plugin.

Download Analytics Plugin

  • Unzip the folder to your desktop.

Save Analytics Plugin on Hard Drive

  • Click on the folder and upload the folder inside to wp-content/plugins/.

Extract Plugin

  • Go to Dashboard >> Plugins.

Plugin Menu

  • You will see a list of plugins that you have installed on your blog. Find the WordPress Analytics plugin and activate it.

Activate Analytics Plugin

  • Go to your Google Analytics account and create a new website profile for your blog.

Create New Analytics Website Profile

  • Copy the Analytics Account ID that starts with UA.

Analytics Account ID

  • Go to your WordPress Administration dashboard and click on the Settings tab.

Wordpress Settings

  • Click on Google Analytics plugin under the Settings tab. You will be redirected to the Google Analytics WordPress Configuration page.

Wordpress Google Analytics Menu

  • Paste the Analytics Account ID that you have copied inside the textbox. Finally, click on the Update Google Analytic Settings button to complete the installation.

Update Google Analytics

To manually install Google Analytics to your blog, follow the instructions below:

  • Login to your Google Analytics account. Click on Analytics.

Analytics Options

  • Click on Add Website Profile.

Add Website Profile

  • Select Add a Profile for a new domain. Type in the URL of the website you would like to track (exclude the http:// part). Select the time zone country. Select a time zone. Finally, click on the Finish button.

Add Profile for New Domain

  • A brand new screen will be showing and prompt you to add the set of code into the footer of your web pages. Copy the Google Analytic tracking code.

Analytics Tracking Code

  • Go to your WordPress Administration Dashboard >>Appearance > Editor. Click on Footer (footer.php).

Edit Footer File

  • Paste the Google Analytic tracking code before the </body> tag.

Update Footer File

To verify if Google Analytics tracking code have been installed on your blog, follow the instructions below.

  • In the Google Analytics account, go to Edit > Check Status Link.

Analytics Status

  • If it display ‘Waiting for data’, then the tracking code is already successfully installed. Reports can take up to 24 hours to update.

Analytics Status Check

Google Analytic is the best free Web Analytic tool. If you don’t have a Google Analytic account, you can sign up one for free. To sign up for a free account, go to and filled in all the appropriate information.