In building self-esteem, a child's criticism of his or her own actions is acceptable. Criticism of "self" is not. Watch your child's responses when he or she experiences failure. These…
Every child loves to hear stories in which he or she is the hero or heroine. Telling stories to your child validates your child's existence. It conveys, "I remember this…
Good manners are not only a subject for parents to teach children. They are actions for parents to show children. Do you say "Please" when you make a request of…
What is the one skill that will be useful—even necessary—to your child all of his or her life? Not the ability to throw a touchdown pass. Not the ability to…
Every child at some point will face another child, a sibling perhaps, or even an adult, who will say, "Go away. I don't want to play with you. I don't…
Give your child the opportunity to give. The child with self-esteem gives voluntarily. Encouraging your child to be generous even when it isn't his or her idea helps build self-esteem.…
Children who are forced to take responsibility for their own actions know, "Mom and Dad consider me capable of acting on my own, and they count me as a valuable…
The child who is told the "facts of life" within the context of a value system is a child who knows, "Mom and Dad trust me with this information; they…
Three-year-old Cody Smith knew what the word sharing meant; it meant that he couldn't sit and hold as many toys as he wanted when his friend, Jim, came over to…
From a no-more-tears shampoo to disposable diapers, products abound to make bathing, diapering, and shampooing as palatable as possible to preschoolers and their parents. It's expected and even predicted (as…
Encourage your child to be part of a team. In fact, through the course of his or her childhood, your child can benefit from being part of several teams. Your…
Whenever possible, prepare your child for new situations and new experiences. Boost your child's confidence level by providing "advance warning." Prepare your child for a new house. Talk about the…
Leave something to your child. A child who receives an inheritance is a child who knows that his or her parents were thinking of the future, were considering his or…
Give your child the freedom to explore the world, within the bounds of health and safety. In so doing, you'll be giving your child the confidence that comes from knowing,…
Become a giver of spontaneous hugs, gifts, and words of praise. Let your child know, "Boy, I like you so much I just can't help telling you so!" Such a…
Every child has the capacity to win at something. Your challenge as a parent is to find that something! Assume that your child may not be good at the things…
Children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home, most of which can be avoided by careful planning. As a child develops, you will always have to be one step…