This is an upsetting problem for children, particularly older ones, but there are treatments that have worked successfully.
By three or four years old, 85 per cent of children are dry through the night, except for the occasional accident. At the age of five, around 10 per cent will still be wetting the bed. By age fifteen, only a few – about 2 per cent – will still bed-wet. The cause may be lack of bladder control or it can be related to stress and anxiety. A six-year-old who may have been dry throughout the night may suddenly start again after the arrival of a new baby in the household. An older child may have problems at school which are causing unconscious distress.
What you can do
Whatever the reason for bedwetting, time, patience and understanding are needed rather than admonishment. Don’t make an issue of it with young children when changing the sheets. Older children may prefer to do this themselves to save embarrassment. Using waterproof sheets will help protect the mattress.
Buzzers have proved successful in many cases. At the start of urinating, the buzzer goes off, waking the child, who can then go to the loo.
A chiropractor would first check for congenital and hereditary problems before treatment. They may then work on the lower back and pelvis to stimulate the nervous supply to the urinary system, which may help to alleviate symptoms. One study found that chiropractic helped 25 per cent of those treated for bedwetting by 50 per cent or more.
An osteopath may check for irritation of the bladder or interference with its nerve supply which can be caused by bone misalignment. By correcting any relevant spinal and pelvic bone misalignment, the bedwetting may be cured. Hypnotherapy Studies have found hypnotherapy effective in the treatment of bedwetting. One survey of boys aged eight-thirteen years old found six weekly sessions were significantly effective in reducing symptoms. Different approaches may be used, depending on the training of the therapist. Bedwetting often begins at a time of stress, for instance parents’ marital break-up. But rather than getting the child to remember this difficult time and remembering the cause, they will try to help the child disassociate bedtime with wetting the bed, so that the child can see night time as a time for sleeping rather than wetting.
Traditional Chinese medicine
A Chinese doctor may identify bedwetting as the disruption of fluid circulating in the kidney, spleen and lungs. Herbs which act as toners and astringents may be given, but the doctor will also try to identify the possible underlying cause of insecurity in the child. There have been many positive studies into the use of acupuncture (also used in Chinese medicine) and bedwetting. One survey showed that seven out of ten children treated were cured of the problem after a course of acupuncture and a further two had improved conditions.
If there seems to be no underlying causes for the incontinence consult a doctor, as a bladder infection or abnormality might be the problem.
Other therapies that may be beneficial: Bach Flower Remedies, homoeopathy.
BITES/STINGS (insects)
Insect bites and stings are rarely a real problem unless they become infected, your child has an allergic reaction or they occur abroad where a disease such as malaria is present. However, they can be very sore and itchy, and in the case of an allergic reaction, cause the area to swell up.
What you can do
If still embedded, carefully remove the sting. Don’t use tweezers as this will squeeze the sting, releasing more venom.
If you know your child is allergic to bee, wasp or hornet stings, antihistamine or alternative remedies should be available at all times during the summer. Immediate action is also needed if the child is stung in the mouth or throat, as these may swell and hinder breathing. If this happens, and the child is old enough, give them ice cubes to suck and get medical help.
Eucalyptus oil – about four or five drops diluted in a cup of water and dabbed on exposed areas – acts as a natural insect repellent. The antiseptic qualities of Tea-Tree oil gently rubbed on to the sting will help soothe it.
Traditional Chinese medicine
TCM and Western methods of treatment are often similar. A practitioner may administer crushed Marigold leaves to reduce the effect of the sting. TCM believes wasp stings are alkaline, so can be neutralized by a mild acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar. Bee stings are acidic, so an alkaline remedy such as bicarbonate of soda, may be effective. Tea-Tree and Lavender can also help to soothe.
A homoeopath may recommend Apis for pain and swelling, Cantharis, for the hot, burning sensation and Ledum if the child is feeling particularly sensitive and to prevent infection.
Herbal medicine
A herbalist may recommend a variety of remedies to help soothe the bite or sting. An Aloe Vera gel, which has cooling properties, may help. Or a dab of Lavender oil applied to the area will help the healing process. Chamomile cream will help to soothe.
For severe allergic reactions, resulting in anaphylactic shock where breathing becomes difficult, the throat swells and the child may collapse, immediate medical attention is needed and a shot of adrenaline may be given. Emergency self-injection kits are available for those known to be at risk.