Plan ahead for easier wall and ceiling cleaning. For hard to reach areas like your roof, we recommend to just get Roof Cleaning in Wilmington DE. Light colours show up dirt and stains far more than dark colours, and non-washable coverings are obviously more trouble than painting your walls with a washable surface. Regular cleaning, such as dusting or light vacuuming, will help keep walls and ceilings clean. If they do get soiled, and are covered with anything other than paint, read any manufacturer’s care instructions before cleaning. Even then, test cleaning methods on an unseen part of the wall or ceiling before removing your stain so that if your method causes any damage, it will not be visible. If you need to clean your walls outside, you can get pressure washing in southington. A house power washing service makes your home exterior cleaning so much easier.
Many stains on wallpapers and painted walls can be removed by gently rubbing with a piece of stale white bread. Or you can make a wallpaper cleaning dough by mixing 3 tablespoons of flour with tablespoons of white spirit and lj tablespoons of water, kneading well for a few minutes, and then rubbing gently along the wall with long, sweeping movements.
Cork should never be overwet, but just sponged gently with warm, mild detergent solution.
Fabric (including silk)
Always follow the manufacturer’s care instructions and never use dry-cleaner or upholstery cleaner. Instead dab general stains with baby powder, leave for a couple of hours and then gently brush it off. Never attempt to clean silk yourself. Always consult a specialist dry-cleaner.
Grasscloth and hessian
Never use water. Dab stains with baby powder, as for fabric above. Remove general stains on hessian by rubbing gently with a piece of stale, white bread, as for wallpaper.
Paint (water-based)
Keep clean by dusting regularly and using a mild solution of dishwashing liquid on any stains. Rinse and dry well afterwards. Never use abrasive powders and always keep water clean and rinse thoroughly with cold water. If you are cleaning an entire wall or ceiling, cover electric sockets and switches and remove any paintings, sconces, etc. Clean small areas (about 2 ft, 60 cm, square) at a time and rinse and dry each area before moving on to the next bit of wall. Repaint whitewashed (distempered) walls when badly stained.
Paint (oil-based)
Rub with dishwashing liquid solution or a hot, mild washing soda solution. Tackle general stains with a liquid non-abrasive cleaner and a soft nail brush.
Polystyrene/Styrofoam (expanded)
Sponge tiles with a warm, mild detergent solution, never anything stronger. Rinse well afterwards and leave to dry naturally. Do not apply pressure or dents will be left. If badly stained, paint with a water-based paint.
Tiles (aluminium and ceramic)
Clean white grouting with an old toothbrush dipped in mild bleach solution and then rinse well. Use a detergent solution for coloured grouting. Clean the tiles with a mild detergent solution, then rinse and dry with a chamois leather. To get the best results, you may seek professional grout cleaning services.
Tiles (mirror)
Wipe with a chamois leather wrung out in a mild vinegar solution.
Wallpaper (non-washable)
Never use water on non-washable wallpaper; instead rub any general stains with stale white bread and rub light smudges and pencil marks with an eraser. Food and grease stains, as well as candle wax stains, can be removed by placing a piece of blotting or kitchen paper over the stain and covering it carefully with a warm iron which will draw the grease out and into the paper. Remove any traces of grease with moistened borax or bicarbonate of soda or with liquid dry-cleaner.
Wallpaper (textured and embossed)
Never press textured wallpaper too hard or overwet it. Clean regularly by brushing or lightly vacuuming and sponge general stains with a little mild detergent solution. Dab grease stains with baby powder. Leave for two hours for the grease to be absorbed and then gently brush the powder off.
Wallpaper (washable)
Treat washable wallpaper with care, as you would water-based paint. Always test any stain-removing materials first and never overwet the surface or the paper will peel.
Wallpaper (vinyl ‘scrubbable’)
Although they should not be overwet, vinyl wallcoverings are tougher and can be washed with a mild solution of dishwashing liquid; stains can be gently ‘scrubbed’ with a liquid non-abrasive cleaner. Crayon marks can be removed with silver metal polish and felt-tip pen stains with neat dishwashing liquid or methylated spirit. Never use ammonia, acetone, abrasives or nail-polish remover on vinyl.