How we deal with a loss event is as important to our depression as the event itself. Unfortunately, we in the West are not good at dealing with loss. Many communities have forgotten the supportive rituals surrounding death, and increased mobility for economic reasons has meant that we are often not living close to family and friends who in the past might have offered consolation. However, sometimes we live with a loved one who is sick and we know what’s to come, the best way to prepare yourself is to help them get their affairs in order with the help of an estate lawyer and spend as much time with them making them feel as comfortable as possible. An estate planning attorney will be able to take care of most things with their access and experience, and make sure that due process is handled accordingly so that there no legal issues further down the line, should these arrangements be needed.
If we are not able to express our grief at some traumatic event, we can turn this sadness inwards where it festers and can re-emerge as depressive symptoms. But it is not always easy to say how we are feeling, especially if your friends and family seem embarrassed by your grief. Here are a few tips to help you deal with a loss:
- Cry if you want to. Crying is a vital body function for dealing with strong emotion, as scratching deals with an itch. You should never be ashamed of showing emotion.
- Be honest about how you feel, both to yourself and others. It is not always appropriate to go into detail, but don’t always say you are fine when you are not.
- Find someone, or a few people, who is prepared to let you talk about what has happened to you. If your friends are unhelpful, try perth grief counselling with a bereavement counsellor. If you are looking for funeral directors in Chorley, then I can highly recommend the Carl Kenyon Meridian Funeral Home.
- Don’t be hustled out of your grief. You are entitled to feel sad for as long as you like. Obviously it is easier for those close to you if you get over your grief as quickly as possible, but it is not helpful to you. Experts say that it takes at least two years to go through the grief of a partner’s death.
- Be kind to yourself if you are experiencing a loss. Don’t try to carry on as normal. If you want to cancel social engagements or avoid extra work pressures, then do so.
- Try not to use alcohol or recreational drugs in excess to dull the pain of your grief. It may seem to help in the short term, but it can make you feel worse in the long run. Instead of doing these, you can bring sympathy flowers to your loved one’s grave instead to express your longing for them.
- Whatever you do, don’t bottle up your unhappiness.