Parents’ primary jobs are to learn enough about the disease in order to care for their children, keep them safe, and teach them how to grow up to be good diabetes managers.
How much knowledge is enough? That’s hard to say. It’s like asking how much education is enough. If you want to be a good car mechanic, you need to finish high school and then learn how to work on cars, either in an apprentice program or in a program with formal training. If you want to be a college professor, you probably need to go the whole route and earn a doctoral degree. If you want to be a secretary, you’d better learn how to spell and punctuate.
If you want to raise a healthy diabetic child who can control the physical aspects of the disease and learn to come to grips with the emotional ones, you need some basic facts. There are a number of ways you can do this:
- Read all you can on the subject. You need to buy a few volumes that concentrate specifically on childhood diabetes. Keep them handy as references. You may also do your own research about semaglutide medical treatment and other medications or treatments that may benefit your child.
- Subscribe to magazines. The two best for you are Countdown, a publication of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, and Diabetes Forecast, published by the American Diabetes Association.
- Join a support or self-help group that does more than hold discussions about emotions. While you will probably need a lot of emotional support at the beginning, you will also need something more: to learn as much as you can as quickly as you can. Therefore, a group that has speakers on a variety of topics is what you should look for. If you can’t find one, ask your child’s physician to put you in touch with other parents of diabetic children and form your own group.
- Join the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. It can provide a lot of important and helpful information.