Dogs need help from their owners to lead happy, fulfilled and healthy lives. To maintain your pet’s mental and physical health, certain routine procedures must be carried out on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.
Body condition
Pet dogs can suffer from obesity if they do not get enough exercise in relation to the food they receive on a daily basis. Being overweight can seriously affect your dog’s health and shorten his life. Ask the breeder or your vet what the ideal weight for your dog is so that you can keep track of any deviation from this, which may indicate a health problem.
Urine and faeces (eliminations)
Important things to look out for arc:
- Signs of discomfort when urinating or defecating.
- Unusual elimination, such as defecating/ urinating in the house when normally your dog is clean.
- A constant need to eliminate, often with no satisfactory result.
- Blood in the faeces or urine, or other abnormalities such as very loose or very hard stools.
- Not as many eliminations as normal.
- Worms in the faeces (resembling grains of rice or slim, white threads).
Any deviation in your dogs usual elimination should be closely monitored. If this persists for more than a day, seek veterinary advice. If worms are seen in the faeces, deworm your dog.
General demeanour
If you know your dog well, you will notice any difference in his behaviour and demeanour. If he is normally active and perky, but suddenly appears depressed, then it indicates he is feeling poorly. If other signs that all is not well appear, take him to the vet for a check-up. Make a note of the symptoms, so that you can fully inform the vet, which may help him or her to determine what ails your pet.
Maintain the rules about what your pet is and isn’t allowed to do on a daily basis, so as not to confuse him. Stick to the same vocal and physical commands. Make sure that other members of the family and visitors also abide by these rules.
Special occasion care
At times when celebrations occur, such as Christmas or New Year, dogs need extra-special care so that they do not become
stressed with all the noise and extra people in the house, or ill through eating anything unsuitable. Festive decorations and Christmas trees can prove irresistible to curious and playful canines, so make sure that trees are well secured in their stands, lights are plugged into a circuit breaker, and that baubles are shatterproof.
Dogs love to be part of the party, and it is only right that yours should be included as a member of the family, but when you sense he is becoming overwhelmed by all the goings-on, then put him in a quieter part of the house, perhaps with an activity toy to keep him pleasantly occupied, so he can chill out and rest.
Even though you may be tempted to, don’t give your dog foods he does not normally receive, such as cakes, sweets and chocolate, otherwise he may suffer unpleasant and painful tummy upsets – but, of course, you can give him his own pies it of a new toy and a few treats to open with the rest of the family.
Firework use during celebrations seems to be increasing. Most animals are terrified of fireworks, so if they are going off in the neighbourhood keep your dog safely indoors. Having the TV or radio on can help drown the noise. If you are planning a fireworks party, keep your dog inside, preferably in a room on the other side of the house and only buy ‘silent’ fireworks. Inform neighbours of a forthcoming fireworks party. An advance warning gives them the chance to take precautions against their pets becoming distressed.