MIME types is developed to tell the browser how to handle certain file types. cPanel has an Add MIME types tool that allows you to add new MIME types on your server through the specification of a name, directory and file extension.
If you want to add a MIME type, follow the instructions below:
- On the homepage of your cPanel, click on the MIME Type icon under the Advanced.
- Enter the name of the handler in the MIME Type textbox. For instance application/mediaservercontrol+xml would be the file type for .mscml.
- Enter the extension in the Extension textbox. The extension is the words following the file name. For instance fill_name.fileextension.
- Click the Add button.
- You have successfully assigned the MIME type extension.
- If you want to delete a MIME type, click on the X icon. When prompt to confirm deletion of the MIME type extension, choose Yes.
By following the instructions above, you will be able add a MIME type file extension through cPanel.