How to Make a Motorcycle Trailer Hitch

Think of a motorcycle and the first thought that inevitably comes to mind is cruising on the highway. Long rides become a lot more fun if you are on a motorcycle. The sense of adventure and thrill is unmatchable.

But, at the same time there are some issues that need to be addressed before you venture off on your motorcycle. Motorcycles simply are not meant to be carrying luggage from one place to another. There is almost no carrying capacity. The problem becomes more severe if you have no trunk or back seat to help you along. For the very same reason, having a motorcycle trailer hitch comes in handy. Today we’ll see exactly how you can have your very own hitch. It is slightly difficult but nowhere near impossible to do, however keep in mind that they do tend to produce troubles in the future so if you ever need a quick fix then contact Road Side Tractor Trailer Repair assistance.

The first thing you should do is to have a look at different kinds of hitches available in the market. This should give you a fair idea of what is involved in the design and will help you take decisions which will facilitate in the making of the hitch itself.

It is always better to buy some parts second hand. The places to look are motorcycle shops and even online stores. Before you embark on buying the parts, you should be clear as to what your usage will be. A person who takes only short trips will have a different trailer hitch than a person who regularly goes cross country on his motorcycle. If you are one of the latter, it is better to go in for the hardiest and the best materials out there.

The steel that you purchase for lugging your load has to be of the highest quality possible. This will be handling the maximum amount of strain and needs to hold up to the task. Also required are certain bolts. You will need U-bolts, eye-bolts, long bolts and other common bolts and washers. Lastly, you will require a strong iron plate. This plate should easily fit in place between the steel and the U-bolt.

Though the build of the hitch is quite straightforward, it is better to look at some plans if you are unsure of the method. There are lots of sites where you can get this information for free. If you face any issues, the members on these forums will help you be motivated and finish the build!