How to Survive an Alligator or Crocodile Attack

Alligators attack and kill hundreds of people each year, especially in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America and the southern part of the U.S. Alligators normally don’t attack humans, and they feed on small creatures, but if given the opportunity, they can attack any person. Alligators are defensive and aggressive during mating season, as they tend to defend their territory. If you are travelling in swampy areas in any of the regions mentioned above, and when you encounter any alligators, the best thing to do is retreat as fast as you could and give these reptiles their own space.

  • Watch out for signs of alligator-infested bodies of water. The local government usually puts up signs and announcements of dangerous bodies of waters and warn tourists about them. Don’t take these signs lightly. Avoid these bodies of water at all cost and don’t be such a daredevil to even think of dipping into any of them at night.

  • Be more observant when in a crocodile-infested body of water. You see it in the movies: alligators tend to just stick out their eyes and nostrils and submerge the rest of their bodies in the water. They are cunning creatures that can easily hide in thick bushes and attack unsuspecting fishermen and tourists who come close to the water — that’s why they usually attack locals who fetch water. If you ware crossing a body of water by boat, don’t stick out your hand or leg in the water as that may just catch the attention of the crocodile.
  • When you spot an alligator, distance yourself immediately from it. Give a space of around 15 ft between you and the alligator. During mating season, make sure that the distance between you and the alligator is even wider as they tend to be more aggressive during this period. Avoid alligator nests and baby alligators at all times. Note that although alligators tend to be slower to move on land, they sometimes have bursts of fast movement and can take you by surprise when you’re not paying attention. When in water, alligators are understandably faster than humans because it is their home.
  • Don’t surprise an alligator. If you’re inching closer to this reptile, make some noise or make your presence known. Although others tell you that some alligators are trained and don’t attack humans, they can actually attack you if you surprise them. Sleeping alligators may also attack you as a form of self defense if you surprise them out of nowhere.
  • When you come across an alligator on land all of the sudden, run away from it as fast as you can. Alligators can run on the average of 10 miles per hour but can easily grow tired as they don’t normally walk on land (they would water be in the pond), so if you are in good shape, run as fast as you could. There is a big chance that you will easily outrun this reptile.
  • Fight back when an alligator suddenly attacks you and drags you underwater. Don’t try to pull yourself away from it as that might be futile. Gun for the eyes, the most vulnerable part of an alligator, by stabbing or poking it with whatever you have or even you hands. Deliver a hard blow against the nostrils or the ears, as these are sensitive areas also an can cause the alligator to release you.
  • Get medical attention promptly. An alligator’s mouth has plenty of bacteria so it is important that you’re treated right away to prevent infection.