How to Manage Whistle-Blowing

It takes more than just courage and confidence to effectively manage whistle-blowing, as you can suffer dire consequences for miscalculated steps. Worse, it can put you in jeopardy even if you have a noble purpose.

No business has immunity to unethical and/or unfair practices. People who have witnessed illicit behavior in the workplace sometimes wonder how to cope with the situation in the most appropriate manner.

You can manage whistle-blowing in several ways. Knowing the right step to take remains the most crucial part of the process. Coming to terms with it can assure you of smooth business operations.

To avoid making mistakes and putting yourself in grave danger, make sure you know the possible repercussions of your actions. In this case, knowledge is indeed power.


Step 1

Clearly identify the questionable and illicit behavior. Establish the effect it has on you and the company for which you work. Make up your mind regarding whether to report the problem or not. Also consider if whistle-blowing will put your job or somebody else’s job in danger. Countercheck your company policies on whistle-blowing so you can avoid breaking any explicit rules. This requires sound judgment and critical thinking.

Step 2

Form a team that can support you. Ask for your trusted peers and coworkers’ support on this matter. Make sure they have the capability to keep the matter to themselves. Remember that in a competitive workplace environment, each and every person has his own interests to protect. When you have identified whom to trust regarding this issue, tell them about the illicit or unethical behavior you observed and ask their opinion on the matter. If your peers and coworkers agree, make them part of your support team.

Step 3

Identify the proper person in authority to whom you should report the unethical behavior. Know your organizational structure well. If your own boss committed the questionable behavior, determine her supervisor. If telling her supervisor is not a viable solution, report to a legal figure outside your company who can exert command over the situation.

Step 4

Blow the whistle. After considering everything you need to do and know, make the call. Let’s say you harbor apprehension about getting fired or putting yourself in the middle of a legal battle. What else can you do? Write an anonymous letter. You can also utilize a third party like an attorney. He can report the unethical behavior on your behalf. See to it you explain the behavior or issue in detail. Discuss further why you think it is unethical and calls for whistle-blowing. Bear in mind that in discussing this issue you must focus on the illegal or illicit acts and facts rather than zeroing in on the individual.