How to Install phpCOIN through Cpanel

phpCOIN is a free web hosting billing software. It was initially designed for web hosting resellers to handle the customers billing. Now phpCOIN is available to the public. phpCOIN has approximately 35,000 users worldwide including web hosting providers, designers, accounts and etc. phpCOIN is operate on a MySQL database.

The release of phpCOIN v1.4 is a great improvement of the phpCOIN v1.x version. phpCOIN v1.4 offers features such as readability and speed enhancements. phpCOIN v.1.5 added two features which are supplier and expense tracking. phpCOIN v.1.6 fixed a number of bugs in the software. phpCOIN v.1.6 is the last version that is free. The latest version is phpCOIN v.1.6.3 requires users to purchase it.

The AuxPages allows the administrator to load a single coded page into the system and call it. The FAQ module allows the administrator the frequently asked questions content for the web hosting site. The Menu system contain the user login in menu and can be configured in the administration area. The Pages module allows the the administrator the create the content page for the website. The SiteInfo module allows the administrators to create content for the site. The content can include image,tables and et centera. The Siteinfo module is similar to the Pages module but it is specifically designed for general site information such as policty, terms of use, index, about and etc. You can also turn off the footer menu in the Siteinfo module.

If you want to install phpCOIN through cPanel, follow the instructions below:


  • On the homepage of your cPanel, click on the Fantastico icon. This will take you to the home page of Fantastico.


  • Click on phpCOIN in the Hosting Billing section on the left Navigation bar.

Navigation bar

  • Click on New Installation.

Navigation bar

  • Select the domain on which you want to install phpCOIN from the Install on domain drop down menu.
  • If you want to install phpCOIN in the root directory of the domain, leave the Install in directory text box empty. If you want to install phpCOIN in a directory, enter the directory name. This directory should not be existed. It will be automatically created.

Directory text box

  • Enter a username in the Administrator-username text box. You need this to enter the phpCOIN administration area.

username text box

  • Enter a password in the Password text box. You need this to enter the phpCOIN administration area.

Password text box

  • Enter your first name in the Admin first name text box.

Admin first name text box

  • Enter your last name in the Admin last name text box.

Admin last name text box

  • Enter your email address in the Admin e-mail text box.

Admin e-mail text box

  • Enter the name of your website in the Site name text box.

Site name text box

  • When you are done, click the Install phpCOIN button.

Install phpCOIN button

  • Click the Finish Installation button.

Installation button

  • The phpCOIN is now successfully installed.

By following the guidelines above, you will be able to install phpCOIN on your website through Fantastico in Cpanel.