There are multiple reasons why a parent must block some websites for their children’s viewing. Although the Internet has given us considerable benefits nowadays in terms of how we search for information, it also provides access to content that are not suitable for children. Some of these content includes videos and photos that contain profanity, violence, pornography, and others that may shock or pose a threat to children’s mental attitude. Parents must therefore control or supervise their children’s Internet use by blocking access to certain websites by following these steps:
Step 1
Click the Internet Explorer’s icon to launch the browser
Step 2
Select “Tools” located on the menu bar
Step 3
Click on the “Internet Options” tab and wait for a new window to open
Step 4
Find and click the “Privacy” tab located at the top of the “Internet Options” window. A new page will open. Search for the button marked “Sites” found in the page. Click that button to open a new, smaller window.
Step 5
Type the URL of the website/s you want to block. Begin with “www” to ensure that the entire website is blocked. Click the “Block” button.
Step 6
Repeat the same process for additional websites that you want to block
Step 7
If you want websites that you want your children to always view, click “Approved Sites” tab from “Internet Options”. You may add the name of “allowed” websites here by following the same process as when you blocked certain websites.
Step 8
You may also set what websites your other children can view by clicking the “General” tab. You may want to create a password that you can share only with your older children. Explore other options for you to set for a certain member of your family, depending on their age and personality.
Step 9
When blocking websites through the router, look-up and and type your router’s address into the URL bar located at the top of the browser. If you don’t remember the address, that’s fine: you can check and download your router’s manual at your router’s manufacturer’s website.
Step 2
Type in the security code to view the administrative access.
Step 3
Type in the all website addresses that you want to block in the spaces marked “Website blocking by URL address.” This same method works not just for your personal computers but also for all devices that have access to your wireless Internet connection.
Step 4
Investigate how to build parental controls that come with your operating system first. You might want to consider some software programs that you can buy online for added security. You can always find the right Internet filtering software to suit your needs. It also is important to clock certain downloads that might be risky for your computer’s security and privacy. Ask from your local computer shops and seek advice from other parents on how you can better protect your child from obscene online content.