It seems like the most popular phone over the past few years has been the Blackberry. It’s a smartphone that allows the user to transfer files from PC to their phone, email from their phone, use social networking and more. Customers swear their business productivity is increased because the phone’s capabilities and their being about to complete tasks on the move. If you just purchased a new Blackberry phone, here are some quick tips on how to use it. Read on for more information.
Necessary Items
- Blackberry Pearl Phone
- Blackberry Desktop (Version 3.6.1)
Voice dialing set up with Blackberry Pearl phone
Step 1
Locate the call button and press. Listen for a dial tone signal.
Step 2
Use a voice command. Say, “call.”
Step 3
Speak the destination number of the person receiving the call and then hit the end key.
Web Browser Use
Step 1
Select the menu option. To switch (called toggle) between the applications on the screen, use the Esc and Alt keys.
Step 2
Locate the track ball on the phone. This trackball is a mobile version of a mouse. It serves the same purpose as a mouse does on your desktop. Move the pointer on the screen with it.
Step 3
You can use the intuitive programming of this phone to your advantage. Copy and paste information by highlighting it with your cursor. The context menu will grant the options.
Step 4
You can see up to 35 characters per line and 18 distinct lines of information. To close any page, depress the ECS button for 5 seconds. To read the length of a page use the scroll bar situated on the side of the Blackberry screen.
Transferring Computer files
Step 1
Select desktop manager.
Step 2
Find the media manager option and select it by double clicking.
Step 3
Copy the necessary files by simply clicking and dragging the file.
GPS and Blackberry
Step 1
You don’t ever have to worry about not being able to find your way with Blackberry. Users enjoy GPS. You can find walking and driving instructions from any point. Make sure you are in an area where you can receive clear, uninterrupted reception for the best results possible.
Step 2
Select options from the menu. Choose advanced options and you can see your current location with the GPS signal using your Blackberry.
Step 3
Select GPS and make sure the location specification is turned ON.
Step 4
Select Menu. Then, choose the Refresh GPS option. Doing this gives you the GPS signal location. Select menu again. The last step is to select save. Now you know how to use your Blackberry phone.
Further Readings: