Sitting around a warm fire on a cool night is a great way to spend time. The appeal and lure of an open fire is almost universal. It’s a great place to bond, share stories, laughs, great food and tales. A fire pit could quickly become a family favorite. Here’s how you can build a fire pit in your own yard to entertain family and friends for a long time to come, once you are ready to start then you can call in the dirt and gravel delivery services to come and drop off your materials, if you also plan on having a concrete path then you should definitely do some sealcoating to ensure it’ll last you years before having to do some repaving.
Things You’ll Need:
- Stackable interlocking paving stones (12′ x 12′)
- Stake with 2-foot string and a nail
- Building sand
- Pea or small aggregate gravel
- Edger/square tip shovel
- Rake
Building the Fire Pit
Step 1
Determine where you will build your fire pit. Make sure that trees, buildings or anything flammable is not in close proximity to your fire pit site. Choose a place that is level and doesn’t have any cables, pipes or wiring running beneath the site where you will begin digging your new fire pit.
Step 2
Drive a stake into the site where you want to dig your fire pit. Tie a piece of string to the stake. Attach a stick or nail 1 1/2 or 2 feet away from the stake.
Step 3
Draw a circle all around the stake. Mark the circular shape with spray paint.
Step 4
Dig out the hole to a depth of about 1 foot. Then, in the center of your fire pit, dig a hole about 6 or 8 inches square and 12 inches deep.
Step 5
Scrape out the bottom of your hole and fill both holes with 4 inches of pea gravel. If your fire pit is on a slight slope, you can make your pit level by compensating with pea gravel. Check to make sure the sides are evened out and level before you proceed to the next step.
Step 6
Add 3 inches of sand on top of the pea gravel. This prevents fire from spreading under the fire pit’s surface.
Step 7
Enclose the fire pit with two rows of concrete pavers on top of one another. Make sure the stack is dry to make replacing any damaged parts easy. Do not use any adhesive to hold the pavers together. These adhesives may melt under the extreme heat of firepits. The fumes that result from the adhesive melting may prove to be toxic. Toxic fumes could get into food prepared over the fire and could pose a threat to those nearby that may be exposed to inhalation.
Step 8
Allow the sun to set, build a warm fire in your new fire pit and enjoy the time with family and friends.