How to Ride a Motorcycle

Motorcycles are indeed more risky than four wheelers, yet most of us chose them as they are fun and great feeling experienced while driving them personally. They also have the advantage of travelling in narrow roads where it is impossible for any four wheelers to enter. Its also economical than cars or four wheelers when the number of passengers are low (1 or 2).

It is always recommended to learn driving with the help of an instructor. There are high possibilities of losing balance and going down, going down with a bike is indeed very painful. There are many things to be considered while driving a bike some of them are briefed below.

The first and foremost is the rules framed by the local government. Read them carefully and follow them strictly. The rules may differ from countries to countries. Driving license is a must and the bike must also be registered one with proper papers. Do wear a helmet always.

The next step is to be clear of your bikes individuality. Know the brakes (front & back), clutch, light, rear mirrors, starting switches, stands systems correctly and be familiar with them. You should be able to balance the bike when it’s stationary. Also wear proper clothes and helmet while driving, cover as much skin as possible and wear shoes to reduce the effect of the mishap, if any.

The next step is to know about the clutch and the gear systems. The clutch will be provided in the left handgrip. The clutches are very important as most of the bikes rely on manual transmission of gear. The accelerator will be provided in the right handgrip. After starting the bike apply clutch and mild throttle (accelerator) and wait for the bike to move smoothly. Smooth driving depends on the usage of the clutch. After the bike moves hold the clutch down and shift the gear to next one, it’s very critical that we use the correct gear for respective speeds. In the same way shift the gears according to the speed and traffic.

The braking system is very vital. Use both the front and rear brakes for slowing down of the vehicle. Avoid using the front brakes alone as it would lead the mishap, in the same way avoid locking of any wheel which would make you to slide, for smooth braking apply both the brakes simultaneously and release the throttle that is applied. The brakes must be applied very carefully while driving on slippery roads and rain.

While you are about to take a turn don’t forget to sound horn, reduce the speed of the bike considerably before you try to turn as it is very difficult to turn fast. While parking the bike be sure that the place is an appropriate one.

Further Readings: