Flac is the acronym of free loss less audio codec. It’s an ordinary format which is quite similar to mp3. The only difference between the flac and mp3 is that the flac format is a compressed one, designed especially for audio formats. Though it has been compressed the quality of the file wouldn’t be lost. This is the main feature of the flac file format. The ratio of compression is not that much huge, it’s only moderate.
Wav format is one of the default formats of sounds available in the windows, nearly all sound software’s play it without and hindrance. Though the flac file is of good quality some tend to change the format to wav due to some reasons like to improve the quality of the music file.
For converting the flac files to wav files, we would require some special software’s or converters. Many converters are available in the internet; we can choose any of them. One such software is the river past converter.
First download it, and then install it to your system. Once installed open the converter. Using the source tab or text box, select the source which has to be converted into wav files.
There will be some options in the software, using which we can change the target folder of the process. To convert the files from flac format we would need a special codec called db case (decoder). It has to be brought in by downloading it or getting it from other sources. If the db codec hasn’t been installed the flac files cannot be added to the software for the conversion process.
Then using the settings tab given in the bottom of the dialog box, select the ouput type, to which the flac files has to be converted. In this case select the output format to .wav extension. Once all these information’s are given, start the conversion process. The conversion process will take considerable amount of time depending on the type of the file being fed as the input. The software will indicate you when the conversion is finished using a pop up command button. After getting this information, we can use the same file in the .wav extension.
The main reason for most of this conversions is that flac is a loss less compression of the audio files, though the quality is loss less there are some times when you need to have the best quality of the music, during which they have to be converted from flac to different file format like the .wav, .mp3 etc,.
There are also some disadvantages of converting the flac files to wav files. The main thing is that it has been expanded from the compressed flac format, leading to the increase in size of the file.