Mostly, people use word documents nowadays for many typing work. They are not using their pen and paper for any writing purposes. Hence their use is slowly going down since the human work get reduced due to the presence of computers and word documents. With the help of word documents, you can do any type of writing work. You can make your own files, letters, resumes, tender notices, paper advertisements, and any presentations, write up works, etc.
They are used in many places and even in offices for many types of work. Their usage is widely spread in many domains and is used for many different and useful purposes. Many data entry companies are dependent on the word software for creating their documents. All the paper documents are nowadays getting converted to word documents due to the storage problem. There is no need of paper or pen for writing word docs. The human work also reduced due to the presence of word docs.
If it is a paper document, then you have to write them legibly so that everyone should understand. But each and everyone have their own handwriting and can’t understand by others. In case of docs, there is no problem of handwriting hence it is having a common format which could be understand by everyone. Docs help us in many ways by reducing our work and saving the time to a greater extent.
The only disadvantage with the usage of docs is that it can be modified by anyone who is getting them. Once you do all the modifications and send to anyone, there is a possibility that any one in the middle can change them without your knowledge by just getting those files. Sometimes, the receiver can also change them without your permission. For example, if you are sending a tender file with the amount. If someone in the middle just get and modify the original amount, then you might not get the tender.
To avoid such discrepancies, you need to safeguard your valuable files from the intruders. Hence you can use pdf files in that case. Pdf files are safer when compared to docs so that they are used in many cases. Once you created your files in pdf, then you can’t change them. Due to this security feature, you can safeguard your files from the outside attacks of people.
In order to use this facility, you need to convert your docs to pdf files. There are more software’s available in market for changing word to pdf. You need to get them from such sites and install them. Once the installation is complete, just select the word files and press the convert button. Thus your word docs are converted to pdf.