Ever heard of a ‘Doggy party’??…… Not exactly…right!?
Well here are few useful and handy tips for you to throw your first ever, most amazing Dog Party for your friends and their best friends to enjoy and socialize.
As it will happen to be a dog day, you will only want to invite over who own a dog-any kind any breed, but tame and maybe trained too. Look up for friends and their dogs but keep in mind that you do not want this gathering to be a large one as there is a little probability of the dogs getting out of hand due to some reason and causing trouble for al instead of fun. But, if you are capable to hire some dog groomers or nannies for a few hours to mind the dogs while you and your friends mingle, then go right ahead with it. You may even increase the number of guests on the list then too.
When deciding upon the venue, your obvious choice is going to be some open and outside the house; most probably your garden, a park or maybe a spa. This is because dogs are never reliable with their poop n pee training. They may start anywhere they feel like and whenever they wish to.
A good idea for sending out invitations would be to personalize the invitation cards. Get a nice picture of your dog published on the cover in honor of him and his fellow dog friends. Mention the date, time and venue and other important detail that you would want your guests to know before coming. The time of the party should definitely be between late afternoons to early evening so that all can enjoy while there is still light in the sky.
To make your party even more interesting, make it a theme party or maybe a fancy dress. Ask the invitees to come dressed extravagantly and make their dogs wear matching costumes too. Of course there is no need to overdo it for the mutts as some aggressive ones might get irritated later on and decide to disrupt the peace. But, never the less, matching dresses seem to a great idea and it would also be easy to recognize which dog belongs to whom.
A dog day without any dog movies is certainly unfair. Get DVDs to all the favorite dog movies from a store and play them to entertain the dogs and your friends both. There are a number of classic such as 101 Dalmatians, Marley and me, Lady and the Tramp etc., so, am sure everyone is bound to enjoy.
When talking about food serve party cake, ice cream, biscuits, kibbles and plain water for the dogs while your human friends can relish hot dogs, burgers, cupcakes and lemonade. Remember this is a non-alcoholic party so keep any spiked beverages away.
So, this is about it for the tips. Keep them in mind and enjoy a great evening with your dogs and friends!