How to Give a Sensual Massage

The part on our body absorbing most of the stress is the head. It should be given due recognition for the massage. A sensual head massage can avert many of the stresses off your head. This can be done in a variety of manners. Tensions are always present here and there for an active person. These must be released in one way or the other. Pakistanis and Indians have done a great job in introducing the way of had massages. This can make ourselves feel very light when we are having issues.

Some basic techniques of giving a head massage are as follows:


  • A comfortable bed is necessary for massage. A sensual massage cannot be given unless the person getting the massage relaxes. All parts of the body of the customer should be in relaxed position. A facial massage can relax the body very much. This should be done before you do the head massage. You should be standing behind the person while doing this.

  • The direction of the massage should be circular. The tension in the muscles plus veins can be averted by using the fingers. Temples should be given more importance during a massage. Do not press the temples hard because this may lead to more of pain and trouble.
  • Run your fingers through the hairs lengthwise in a gentle manner. This process relaxes most of the nerves of the head. You should not be going in a manner that plucks hair from the head. Be gentle. Repeat the procedure until the person becomes relaxed completely.
  • Pull the hair strands gently. Pulling the hair strands is very helpful in maintaining a good sensual effect. You must ask the person that if the pressure applied by you is all right or not. It increases the circulation of blood through the head. You should always be gentle. You can release the headaches in this manner if any.
  • Afterwards, massage the forehead gently. You can finish the whole process by giving a massage to the forehead. Eyebrows should also be given the massage. Your thumbs must be placed at the centre of your forehead.  Do a massage through the dimples present behind the ears in a gentle fashion. This will be done with the help of the fingers.
  • Now, relax the head. Then, the neck. Give a gentle massage with the help of your fingertips, on that person’s neck. This creates a really good sensation. Try it 4 times.

Some relaxing music, the fragrances and the peaceful and calm atmosphere can make the person feel the massage in a sensual manner. It will ward of all the stress of the person and he will pray for you.

Further Readings: